October Tobacco Crawl with Greg L. Pease

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Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
Thanks Pax, got it. This is gonna be a great month for my pipe! These crawls have been a great way to taste new blends and get to 'know' our various artisans. Kudos to you, Pax, for all your efforts! :clap:



Mar 3, 2014
Kennesaw, GA
Sounds like a good time...It's a great excuse to break into tins I haven't opened yet.
I am surprised that Gaslight isn't part of the crawl though.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 17, 2010
So, finally, I've made it through security and am checking in at the gate. I just received my four tins for this adventure so I'll be smoking right along with you guys.
I anticipate this will be a lot fun for me, and I hope it is for everyone else participating. I'm looking forward to reading your impressions, sharing mine, and answering any questions that may arise along the way. In the process, I'm hoping it will be a learning experience for all of us. I'll be getting to know you're respective tastes, and will share with you some of the things that rattle around in my head when I'm coming up with a new blend idea, evaluating prototypes, and some insight into the whole cycle of development from concept to finished product.
Selecting only four tobaccos for this was, for me, like throwing frisbees at the moon. It could easily have been five, six, seven. I made list after list, thinking about the order, thinking about the range, whether four tobaccos in a similar genre would be more fun than four completely different things. I found myself second guessing at every turn. Should I choose four popular tobaccos, or four that don't get as much exposure? Should all four be distinctly different from one another, or should there be two in each of two categories? Or, three of one, and some sort of ringer from out in left field?
And, if I were to choose today, would it have ended up the same? It's not that I'm inclined to over-think these things, or anything...
So, I finally picked Sixpence, JackKnife Plug, Sextant, and Quiet Nights. Four very different sorts of tobaccos. In retrospect, maybe I should have included a ribbon cut for even greater variety, but there you have it. Four. There can be only four. Grrr. Argh.
The order was thought out carefully. Sixpence is going to be a great start as autumn begins to reveal itself. Its earthy sweetness and shades of reds and browns will be a wonderful way to start things out. It's a very approachable blend, not quite a conventional VA/perique thing, but nicely complex without being complicated.
JackKnife takes the next slot. It shares its virginia base with Sixpence, but goes in a very different direction because of both the constituent tobaccos, and the way it's constructed and presented. I'll talk more about that in week two. Remind me if I forget. ;)
Sextant adds some latakia to the mix, along with a little rum-spiced top-note which presents in a very different way from that of Sixpence.
Finally, in week four, we'll smoke Quiet NIghts, a rich, almost traditional mixture in flake form that will be wonderful as the days are shortening and the weather is cooling at the end of October.
As we all make our preparations for liftoff, there will be no need to fasten your seat belts, and your Captain (Brass) will definitely have the smoking light turned on throughout the trip. See you in a couple weeks.



Jun 30, 2015
Woohoo! A plane I can smoke in..... a plane full of pipe smokers would be quite the experience. "Captain Brass please make some extra circles of the airport; I'm not quite done with this bowl."



Jan 23, 2015
I fortunately have 3 of the 4 blends already, so I can pull mostly from my cellar. I will need to pick up some Quiet Nights to complete the requirements.
I have JK Plug and Sixpence in my cellar but want to leave them there to age awhile so I bought the whole sampler and an extra tin of Sixpence. Mmmm....like me some Sixpence. Looking forward to this crawl for sure but had no idea we were going for a plane ride. Need to pack and find my passport..... :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 11, 2015
I knew I'd ordered my 4 tins too early. This is bringing back memories of Christmas as a kid and staring at the presents under the tree. Maybe I'll start crossing the days off the calendar, too. But no way I'm going to cheat and unwrap the gifts early. Just. No. Way. I did notice that the one little package makes a clunking sound when I shake it. Hmmm... I wonder what could that one be?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 2, 2015
Well hell Greg, we are game if you are. Let's make it an even 8 blends for Oct. :)
Brass is on his game, one outstanding crawl host after another - thanks brass!
Great choices Greg, JKP and QN are already in my all time top 5 and looking forward to smoking Sixpence and Sextant for the first time.



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Thanks for flying in, Greg. We're all very excited, not only about the tobaccos, but having you guest host this crawl.
I understand the difficulty of picking just 4 of your children to showcase. But fear not. Assuming we don't drive you away with incessant questions, and you can make the time, I'm sure we can find a spot on the calendar next year for round two.
And thank you all for expressions of thanks and appreciation to me and to Greg.



Jun 3, 2015
I'll have to drop in for Sextant. No wonder when I went to order another tin Of Sextant, they were all sold out. Greg, Sextant is frickin amazing.



Aug 17, 2014
PM Sent! Very much looking forward to this. A bit nervous about the Sixpence as the last time I tried it it knocked me on my backside. I smoke 10 Russians, Nightcap, and twists with no problem, but that one spun me. I guess I'll have a week to sort it out! :)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 2, 2011
Thanks for setting this up. I got my tins on order today, even though I have some of the blends in the cellar already. I think I will enjoy the crawl more by smoking fresh tins, and opening each one in order as we make our way through October. I very much looking forward to this. I'm almost as excited as a kid at Christmas :D



Jun 4, 2014
United States
Like swipple, I just ordered my bundle for the Pax tobacco crawl. I also ordered an estate Jeppesen, which is coming with the tobacco.

I have a similar Neerup pot, also designed by Jeppesen, pictured below. It was so similar in design and finish that I almost took a pass. But in the end, I pulled the trigger because it is a Jeppensen hand-made.



Aug 3, 2014
Order is on the way. It should be delivered Friday. When is the official start?
Does anyone have suggestions for preparing the first tin? As a piping novice, I read of a lot of tins benefiting from opening to "breathe" for a while. "A while" seems to mean anywhere from an hour or two to a few days. It also seems like some pop the tin and let it sit open while others replace the lid after breaking the seal. I've had a couple GLP tins and didn't notice extra moisture. I would appreciate any pointers for getting out of the gate on the right foot.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
My order has shipped, also. Added in a pound and a half of other Pease mixtures, so I am all set for a bit, though the intention is to cellar some.
As to prep: YMMV. I'd open the first tin (see intro post for info) and if it's too moist for your druthers, dry out a bowl or two's worth, and close the tin.
As to the rest: Enjoy!



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 26, 2014
I ordered 3 of the 4 tins and have them in hand. I chickened out on the Jack Knife as I am a nicotine wimp. I'll follow along with discussion and get a tin later on if it is clear I have made a mistake. I have yet to taste any GL Pease tobaccos so I am very excited to give some a try.

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