Interesting to read thru all the comments. My first pipe was charged with "Mixture No. 79" and it made me throw up. I was 16 years old. "Sugar Barrel", and "Cherry Blend" ...also induced some retching, but I hit my stride when "Troost" was in my pipe. Compared to my smoking experiences of today, I knew nothing about how to smoke a pipe, or what to feed my pipes. Life is about learning and adapting. Sometimes I wish I was back in the days of my age of innocence, when thing were new and exciting. Everything was a revelation!
Those old codger blends had many useful functions for the man of yesterday. My friend's fathers smoked them. My uncles smoked them. Men in barber shops smoked them. They were cheap, always available, helped you escape reality, they relaxed you , they comforted you when stressed, helped enhance life's joys, and took the sting out of sorrows. They were easy to smoke, and a pleasure to sniff. The codger blends became those semper fidelis friends you could rely on....never changed much, and were always faithful.
I personally think adopting the codger "attitude" absolutely essential to successfully smoke any of the old OTC codger blends. Forget all about nuance, hidden flavor notes, figs, stewed fruit, new mown hay, and the other ambiguous jargon that "modern" pipe smokers now use to describe today's "woke" offerings. You must smoke these codgers with the expectation of nothing, and revel when the blend delivers you a treat. You must never think about what's in the pipe, and never overanalyze. Codgers were happy to just sit in their favorite easy-char, and smoke their drug-store Grabows -after the wife put the kids to bed. Life was simpler back then....or it seemed to be..... back in the days of when there were just two genders.
Again, approach smoking those OTC codger-blends just for the sheer pleasure of seeking your own "Calgon Moment". Let the old fashioned melange of Burleys, Virginias, and Cavendish take you away to your own personal Nirvana. Pick up some old copies of men's magazines from the '40s and '50s and read the advertising copy for pipe tobaccos. Believe the ad's descriptions, go back in time and stay there for just a little while, and don't forget to forget.