O Fortuna: The Quest For The Dragon Meer (With Pictures!)

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Jan 8, 2013
Two of my favorite things in this world are dragons and pipes. And for some time now, I have been on a hunt... no, a quest rather, to find a dragon carved meerschaum pipe. And this quest has indeed been very difficult for one reason or another, be it lack of funds or actually finding a dragon carved meer that just wasn't appealing to me. I didn't care for the carving, or the style of dragon, or perhaps the shape of the pipe in general. Some were nice, but just not the one. After looking many times, in many realms (translated: online pipe retailers, ebay, a B&M or two, or a collector selling his pipes) and not finding the one, I didn't give up my search but searched less frequently. I had begun looking for claw meers with the same results, and that too fell to the side while I focused more on adding more briar to my slowly growing collection. The quest never ended, however, and sometimes while on my travels I would come across another claw or dragon. But as I've stated, they just weren't the one. And I've been looking for as long as I've been smoking a pipe (granted this hasn't been a lifetime, rather about three years from when I first picked up the pipe at the tail end of 2012) And that is indeed a very very very long time... almost a lifetime... or an eternity... honest!
I was just recently on another quest for briar, and saddled up my trusty steed(translated: my laptop), and traveled to far away realms (translated: online pipe retailers, ebay... etc, etc,) in search for a single piece that I felt worthy of the king's gold (translated: my hard earned money from working my butt off in the real world). I traveled to the Low Country of Laudisi (Translated:Smokingpipes.com) to the Mountains of Ouellette (translated: Pipesandcigars.com) turning my steed toward the Land of The Noble Yeti (Cupojoes.com) and onto The Great Land Of Anything And Everything (Ebay) and further onward to... ok, enough translations already. You get it. I went everywhere.
It was on this most recent quest, when while searching for briar, I turned a corner into a dark wood within The Great Land of Anything and Everything and there was something... magical. In order not to spook it, I backed up my steed and viewed it from afar, watching it, studying it (ok one more translation: I had to think about it and ask a friend or two about it and try to make up my mind, which was probably already made up). Of course I didn't want to wait too long, as often something so magical can vanish into thin air right before your eyes. I've seen this happen! You all know what I'm talking about. I'm sure it's happened to you too. I lowered the visor of my helm, readied my shield, drew my sword, and spurred my steed. With a great battle cry I charged! And probably woke the neighbors in the process whom I'm sure probably thought they heard a woman screaming. Anyway, like I said, I charged. As this was the one. This was what I had been questing for and more. This was no meer dragon meer (did I just type that? Really???) Nor was this just a meer claw and egg meer (Ha! I did it again!). No this was two great things, coming together, like they were one (Haha Conan The Barbarian reference!)! This was a Claw holding an egg hatching a baby dragon meer!!! This was my Holy Grail!
And it is now mine :)
For added epic-ness I added some music for your enjoyment while you view my remarkable treasure :)
And now my fellow adventurers, my quest is over... or is it? :D



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 2, 2015
Wow, that thing is incredible!!! 8O And a thoroughly amusing post, to boot. Indeed, this is no meer post, but an example of the great rewards that can await the patient and perseverant! (Sorry to steal your joke, I couldn't help myself!)

Jan 8, 2013
Thanks all. I think I have as much fun writing posts on my pipes as I do receiving them. :) It's quite massive as well, with a length of 9.3 inches and a height of 4.3 inches. I'm going to have to clear off a spot on my shelf for it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 19, 2014
Damn Anthony!!! That is a fricking wild and wonderful pipe!!
Orley, we want a shrubbery!! LOL!!

Jan 8, 2013
Thanks again everyone :) I have to say, once again, I must have gotten lucky with this one. While it was more costly than any other pipe I've acquired so far, I believe I got it for quite a bit less than it could have been or should have been :)
Oh and Orley.... While on my quest I do believe I ran into these guys.



Might Stick Around
Feb 25, 2016
First off, what an awesome work of art! Congratulations on the score. Secondly, the BEST post I've read on the forum yet, and with a musical score to boot! It's still playing as I write this!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 2, 2011
You have aimed for perfection and unless I misjudge, you've hit pretty close to the mark. You Sir, are a knight who will be honored down through ages! The bards will sing of your exploits and fair princesses will faint at the sight of you and your heroic pipe.
Seriously, that is a fantastic pipe and a well written tale!! Thanks for sharing it!

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