Nothing At All Against You City Boys...

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Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
When I go on the back porch to pee, I can see lights shining thru trees in back, my land goes a half mile back, but those suckers are creeping up on me. Used to know everyone within a2 or 3 miles around, now I"m the only one left.



Oct 17, 2013
I grew up on a farm 10km away from the town of Broadrick, Sk. (Population 37) and my beautiful wife is from a farm outside Wawota, Sk. (Population 600) and now we live in the capital city of Saskatchewan, Regina, with a giant population of 275000. Not bad for a province with just over a million people and the size of Texas. Lol



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 29, 2014
Country here. I live on the Allegheny National Forest, although I can see my neighbor's lights when the leaves are off the trees.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
Another term for Country folk is "shit kicker"...I've kicked my fair I live in a condo next to a golf course next to a wildlife sanctuary. I've seen deer, turkeys, softshell turtles, osprey, egrets, heron, gators, owls, sandhill cranes, and buzzards.

Yesterday I watched a couple of Bald Eagles fish for lunch...diving into the water from above and emerging with fish in their grasp...all right outside my window...yet to see the bears...but I expect to...oh, yeah...I see one species that doesn't know enough to come in out of a thunderstorm, carrying lightning rods and riding in carts in 'feels like' 105 degree weather almost daily during about 7 months of the year.



Feb 21, 2013
Over a thirty plus year career in Research Triangle Park, N.C., I watched the farm country thereabouts melt away. On my commute, I used to pass a farm where the owner had a magnificent pair of matched thoroughbred mules that he'd trained to pull as a team, beautiful animals. There were horses, borrows, goats and cattle along the way at other farms, and at a fast food Chinese restaurant I met a goat kid runaway that I picked up and bounced like a baby, to its satisfaction. But eventually the truck docks, apartment complexes, and light industry nibbled away at the farms, and now the farms are just vestiges of themselves, and most families have sold off, clearing a big profit, I hope, but tragically separating from the family homesteads sometimes going back generations. Incidentally, the goat kid had a fine time tasting my clothing, and eating my necktie ... I had a necktie on that day, if I recall. Also, at a celebration event at my workplace, I got to ride in a wagon behind the mule team. They were steady and obliging about being patted and greeted, and even more impressive close up, kind of a cream butterscotch color.



Jun 2, 2011
Winters, CA. Is that rural enough?
Why, I was just up there last Saturday!!
I am decidedly NOT rural at the moment. I live in the extreme East San Francisco bay Suburbs now, but lived in the city of San Francisco for several years. However, I did live the first 25 years or so of my life on an approximately 15 acre farm in the middle of Washington logging country. I like the country, but I like the city too!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 4, 2013
@voorhees - right there with you! I live in the middle of 15 acres, with woods, hayfield, cornfield, and ponds all around. I only smoke on the porch that overlooks the pond and field. Usually every day I spot at least a few deer, turkey, foxes, owls, and other creatures. Like you say, in any direction your stream is not viewable from anyone else. Our nearest neighbor is about a mile away, and is never home. To me, it is the only way to live...and smoke! :puffy:



Mar 22, 2011
Edgewood Texas
I live in the woods myself, have some neighbors though. If the wind is just right you might hear a car or two on the state highway a few miles south of us. Otherwise the donkey next door and the birds singing are about all the noise pollution we get. Except on Sunday afternoons, every once in awhile my neighbor over west of me hauls out his Cannon and shoots a few loads. That rattles the ground a bit.
Here is what my front yard looks like.



Aug 12, 2014
Well I would not call Selinsgrove, PA where I live rural per se, but compared to Baltimore it is much less congested.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I am not sure what is meant, but I live where I have to walk for fifteen minutes to see a neighbor, but yet in twenty minutes in the car, I can be in Birmingham. I can't see any other house from mine. I have to use a Ford Farmall to keep the yard, but I can drive it right into town to fill up the tank. I hunt and raise ALL of our food, and even work the local Farmers Markets to supply my neighbors. Piss off the edge of the porch? Heck, I can really piss anywhere. You don't have to be hours away from civilization to be rural. My farm is secluded, yet in a small town, at the edge of a neighborhood, and a short drive to the big city. I really wouldn't want it any other way. So, I consider myself rural/small town/edge of big city. It just depends on where I am standing. I like the farm life and being able to hunt any game I want, but I am also glad that I don't have to trek for a whole day to find a BestBuy or Target.



Oct 20, 2010
Start in downtown Chicago. Drive due west until you hit corn fields. Backup a few miles and you are near my home. Neighbors everywhere. But, I grew up with lots of land.



Might Stick Around
Aug 8, 2014
Born and raised on a farm of 110 acres, aside from college I've been here my whole life. The farm isn't working anymore and adjacent farms have been abandoned leaving me miles of woods and fields to reign over. (care take?)

20 miles to get groceries or gas and I too take advantage of emptying my bladder at will without fear of offending anyone.

Aug 14, 2012
Formerly a NYC resident, now in the Catskills. Most of the pipesmokers around here have something else in their pipes. I have never met anyone here that loads tobacco.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
When I got divorced in '97 I lost my spot of eden to the ex. I had all the critters you'd want and only one neighbor's house within view.

Directions were: second left on Ditch 9, just off the paved road. We called it, Tropic Eden Acres for good reason.

A pond, lots of 70 - 80' southern yellow pines, fruit trees and bushes..

I went out to fetch the newspaper one morning and stopped 5' away from a large tusked boar hog. We just looked at each other and walked away.

We had dogs, cats, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, ducks, a beef cow every 2 yrs, a hog every year, milk goats, a horse and were surrounded by citrus groves and woods. I spent more money on feed than I did on food....but I recouped a lot by eating some of the livestock.



Oct 18, 2013
Start in downtown Chicago. Drive due west until you hit corn fields
Winton ... are you near Dekalb? I spent my last year in IL just outside of Rockford and had friends in Dekalb.
I also had friends in Lisle / Downers Grove.

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