And this is why they case their tobacco and why a blend tastes the same year to year.
I have blends from 25 years ago that are indistinguishable from 15 year old, 10 year old and 5 year old of the same blend.
Although there isn't technically a "Virginia" tobacco seed, you absolutely can buy Virginia tobacco seeds. It's kinda like a Labradoodle, technically there is no such thing, but you can buy one. It is all Nicotina Tabacum, that was found to be lighter tasting and less harsh when grown around Virginia than tobacco grown other places. Virginia is named from where it's grown, in and near Virginia. There are hundreds of varieties, but many are known to grow well and have optimum flavor and are sold as "Virginia" tobaccos, which again, are lighter, brighter and less harsh than the same varieties grown in Africa, South America and the Caribbean.
My point to the OP was that maybe he isn't opposed to the tobacco, as much as he is the process of which it was created. This is common in the pipe tobacco community. Tobacco ftom the exact same bale can be made to taste vastly I mentioned in my previous post.
I think we are on the same page, but different angles, ha ha.
But, anyways… one other thing that keeps blends tasting the same over the decades is casing. A great blender can alter the casing from batch to batch to keep blends tasting the same.
But, if the growing end interests you, you can really learn a lot by exploring the seed varieties as a start.
Happy smokes