Yes, on a "by danger posed" argument hundreds of foods, thousands of air pollutants, and dozens of medicines would be banned long before smoking bit the bullet, but there it is and here we are, and that is what is happening.
I've never misunderstood the dangers of smoking, and I mean that both in that I know smoking (pipes, hookah, cigarettes or cigars. . .or in my case all of them) is bad for me and anyone else that does it. . . under SPECIFIC circumstances even those around us. . . but I also know the -level- of danger these lobbyist insist on is utter rubbish and furthermore personally believe that for all that these holier-than-though pigs say about the evils and self-serving devices of big tobacco goes doubly for them. . .. Especially when it comes down to the average pipe tobacco company, or the average tobacco farmer, or cigar-maker, or as was the case of the only R.J. Reynalds (Camel division) exec I ever met --- all of whom are only doing it for the love of tobacco, the love of work, the love of the sub-culture, and of course among it (as with any profession) the decent money to be made.
I don't imagine that tobacco execs are any better or worse than any other kind of executive of their pay-grade really, they found a field they loved, or had easy access to, and stuck with it. Some of them became all about the money, some of them don't, most are some sort of middle-ground, and none are any more 'evil' than any other man. That is to say, if there is one among them that is truly evil, that man wasn't turned evil because he was around tobacco, it was that he was already corrupt, and either money galvanized that, or he would have been evil no matter where he fell in life.
Point is. . .this is the U.S. for heaven's sake -- and as such I deserve to be well-informed of the make-up and affect of the articles I consume. . . and thereupon allowed to make my own decision as to whether I feel like doing so. I didn't listen to my own mother when she told me to quit and I'll be damned if I'll let this country play her part.
You know there was a time I really thought I'd never have cause to feel or speak this way about my country. A real shame kids have to grow up really. . ..