Kris, all of my pipes need for the bristled pipe cleaners I use to clean the shank be doubled and it is good for one use. Some of my pipes need 2 cleaners doubled to be able to scrape out the shanks. One pipe cleaner not doubled would never clean my shanks, my shank dimensions are all around 4mm and larger. I take two fluffy cleaners doubled over and use those to scrape the inside of my bowl. Then depending on the pipe, 2-4 bristle pipe cleaners for the shanks, and then I use two bristle cleaners( at the same time) for the stem followed by two fluffy cleaners( at the same time)for the stem. The bristle cleaners grab loose tobacco out of the stem, and the fluffy's grab tar and moisture. A few of my pipes can only take one pipe cleaner at a time through the stem, but most of mine take two.
Trust me, I am cheap bastard and do not use this many cleaners for my health, they do the job and I do not rack a pipe that is not clean. Now that I think about it I am using more cleaners than I thought, 4 for the stem, 2 for the bowl and either 2-4 for the shank.