Nose Hairs?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 15, 2014
The other morning while looking in the mirror and trimming my beard I noticed my nose hairs needed trimming, again. I had just trimmed them a few days ago. Why are my nose hairs growing faster now, I thought.
I’ve always had low maintenance nose hairs. But now my nose hairs have been growing out of control. And the growth began after I started to use a nose hair removal product.
So I asked my wife.
“Look at these.” I pointed to my nose.
“What about your nose?”
“No. Not my nose. Look at these nose hairs. They’re out of control.”
“Your nose hairs are fine.” She told me.
“No they’re not fine. It’s like a forest in there.” I answered. “At this rate of growth I’ll need to use my hedge trimmer on them.”
“You’re being ridiculous.” She said.
“Ridiculous? Ridiculous? Look at this.” I was still pointing at my nose. “It’s like I used fertilizer.”
As usual my wife just shook her head and walked away.
Anyway, I stopped the use of that nose hair removal product, and I’m determined to find a fix for this unsightly problem. After-all I thought. I’m sure others have the same issue and are concerned about it. So if I could come up with a nose hair solution that doesn’t promote fast and thick growing nose hairs, then I could quite possibly become famous.
So a few days ago I began my research into why nose hairs grow wild after trimming or after using those nose hair removal products. But I’m not finding much information. Which may be a good thing. It means no one else has my idea of a slow growth nose hair remover.
There has to be a way to remove nose hairs without the possibility of them growing back so fast and so thick. And when I find the solution, maybe I’ll call the product, “Franks Slow Growth Nose Hair Remover.”
After all, some guy name Burt has his own lip balm.
Mary Kay has cosmetics.
Old McDonald the farmer has hamburgers.
Prince Albert named his tobacco after himself.
And if I find a solution that works; I’ll then move on to slow growth ear hair removal.



Feb 21, 2013
Maybe not a hedge trimmer, but those little battery operated nose and ear hair trimmers sold in the shaving departments of drugstores do the job nicely. The blades are contained in a little guard with holes and can trim up ones nasal and ear cavities in less than a minute. Unfortunately, this hair seems to grow more in men as they age, so get one of these and keep the battery fresh. These run from about $10 to $20, and you can also get manually operated versions from catalogs, like I think Vermont Country Store has those. And here I am, growing a mustache for sport. More hair, less hair, keeps us busy.



Can't Leave
Oct 16, 2013
I've resigned myself to the fact that my once-lush head of wavy, full-bodied hair is migrating south into my ears and nose. I have one of the little battery powered nose-mowers, and I'm trying to make peace with it all.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 18, 2014
Bloomfield, IN
I imagine you looking like this right now Frank!



Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I suppose it's ironic that I have a handlebar mustache and beard, and collect antique razors and shaving scuttles. I just use scissors on my nose and ear hair.



Oct 31, 2014
Evergreen, Colorado
All hair grows faster with increased blood circulation to the affected areas, as happens during warmer weather, regular exercise/sex (with another person), & vasodilators (e.g. hot peppers, garlic, ginger, certain medications). Same for fingernails & toenails. Cutting inert keratin (hail, nails) does not stimulate its grow, contrary to some beliefs.
indianafrank: sorry, you were beaten to the punch - electrolysis will eliminate your nasal bush (as will repeated waxing, eventually).
markthelad: that's disgusting. It looks like he snorted a pair of baby porcupines or sea urchins!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 15, 2014
mso489, those battery operated trimmers tickle my nose awful. I have nose gag reflex. I end up sneezing and not trimming.
markthelad, how did you find my picture?
Brad, OMG!!!
Brian, I've talked to my barber about this. He knows hair. Unfortunately he has the same problem.
cossackjack, by the looks of your avatar, you need help with hair growth as well.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Unless your nose hair dips into your nose warmer and singes, or you can't have sex (with other people), fugeddddabouddddit!
Although an electric razor run through the area can do the trick in seconds....



Scissors is the way to go when it comes to nose hairs.

Jan 8, 2013
I can trim them one day. And then the next day have a couple extremely long ones curling up out of my nostrils and tickling my nose... "How the hell? I just trimmed them yesterday? How's that even possible?!?" Also, I've noticed that if I've had a cold, or allergies have been bad, my nose hairs definitely grow faster so.... maybe more snot causes faster nasal hair growth?



Dec 28, 2011
Topeka, KS
That's the nastiest and funniest pix posted here in years! Well done, friend. Well done.
However, why aren't the nose hairs graying like the mustache hairs?



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
The only surefire way to deal with nasal hair is to grab a bunch twixt finger and thumb, count to three and yank them out. Yes your eyes will water but if you look closely you should have tugged out the roots too!
Nasal hair trimmers are for wimps :nana:



May 28, 2015
My nose hairs are fine, but my eye brows are CRAZY.
Nothing like a single 6 inch hair growing out of your forehead.

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