Well, it is now October of 2017. I just purchased a Savinelli green alligator 111KS billiard. I have smoked it 3 times and the green coloring is most definitely turning to brown after only 3 smokes; so, in my extremely limited experience, this pipe is most certainly not holding it's color. I'm rather disappointed. I really like the green colored pipes for some reason and I was hoping this pipe would retain it's original coloring. It's a darker green so the combination of green and brown doesn't look bad, just not what I was hoping for. I was somewhat surprised to see this so I did a search to see if others have had this problem with these pipes and came across this thread. I also have a Big Ben Oom Paul pipe in a jade green finish which hasn't seemed to change at all. I just don't smoke it very often because it is much smaller than I was anticipating when I ordered it and I'm just not that taken with that pipe. The Savinelli seems to be a great pipe so far, other than not retaining it's color for any length of time.