I dunno, it seems to me that more and more lawmakers are realizing the issues that go along with total smoking bans...more and more posts lately have been regarding legislation being re-written to allow exclusions for adult oriented business such as bars and tobacconists. Hell, even here in British Columbia, we have exceptions in place for hookah lounges (and hopefully tobacconists) soon. Don't get me wrong, I hate that I have to consider where I am in proximity to windows, air intakes, small children, and the elderly before I light up, but at least we are starting to see some movement back in the right direction.
Part of the problem is that our countries view tobacco smoke as the ultimate poison; WHIMIS has safe known exposure levels to asbestos, radiation, and a whole host of industrial and agricultural chemicals (read: poison), and yet tobacco smoke is given a safe level of 0. Fundimentally, sheeple will agree with anything written by a PhD and published by a government or public watchdog organization, no matter how thin the supporting evidence laid out is. Sadly, the opposite is true of corporations and their supporting interests...with tobacco and petrolium leading the path for public hatred. Of course, petrolium gets off somewhat lighter because we are all dependant on oil and somehow it isn't linked to pulmonary or cardiological diseases; something I find very ironic as I watch the traffic bellow exhaust, see the freighters and tankers destroy the Indian Arm, and watch the chemical and petro-chemical plants belch black crap into the air from my patio...none of which I would put up to my lips and puff.