I received a tin of Nightcap as a birthday gift and tried it in a big bowl pipe (about a Dunhill group five, but it
is a handmade US pipe). From a fresh opened tin, in a big pipe packed full, it really gave me a nicotine buzz.
I went easy after that, but as the tin aged a week or two, it mellowed just a bit, and was gone before long.
About a year and a half ago, I bought a tin of MM965, and waited months to open it. It is really great. I'd
say Nightcap is a tad stronger in nicotine, and has less good room note. But both are excellent. I rotate with
some other blends and non-blended bulk leaf. When I get around to the Dunhill blends, it's always "as good
again," about as good as it gets. I don't own Dunhill pipes, but Dunhill tobacco provides a lot of pleasure in
Peterson, Johs, MMs, Bari, Savenelli, Britannia, Cassano, LaRocca, Perry's, Iwan Ries and others.