I smoked cigarettes for a decent amount of time. 7 years maybe? and chewed/dipped for as long.
So for me personally, the nicotine is a touchy aspect of enjoying pipes and tobacco. As others have said, the nicotine is there, but I’m verrrry careful not to let it sink its talons back in me. If I smoke a pipe a couple days in a row and notice that little creeping feeling in my brain, I’ll go without smoking for some time. Maybe a week, maybe two. Maybe a day. I don’t know, it seems to change, possibly because of nicotine levels of different tobaccos.
I love pipes. I love tobacco. I don’t love being addicted to nicotine. Been there/done it/try very hard to not do it again. It’s not a terribly complicated concept, but, of course takes some discipline, which, is also sorta tied to the whole ritual aspect of it.
Maybe my situation is somewhat unique, but I seem to have found a decent balance of being able to enjoy a pipe without worrying too awful much about going ass over tea kettle again.