I fell down another internet rabbit hole and came out with some science for everyone. TL;DR: The pH of pipe smoke (specifically, air-cured tobacco) means more nicotine absorption through the mouth than via cigarette smoke (specifically, flue-cured tobacco).
Absorption of nicotine across biological membranes depends on pH. Nicotine is a weak base with a pKa of 8.0. In its ionized state, such as in acidic environments, nicotine does not rapidly cross membranes. The pH of smoke from flue-cured tobaccos, found in most cigarettes, is acidic (pH 5.5–6.0). At this pH, nicotine is primarily ionized. As a consequence, there is little buccal absorption of nicotine from flue-cured tobacco smoke, even when it is held in the mouth...Smoke from air-cured tobaccos, the predominant tobacco used in pipes, cigars, and some European cigarettes, is more alkaline (pH 6.5 or higher) and, considerable nicotine is unionized. Smoke from these products is well absorbed through the mouth...
Pipe smokers, particularly those who have previously smoked cigarettes, may have blood and urine levels of nicotine and cotinine as high as cigarette smokers...Primary pipe smokers who have not previously smoked cigarettes tend to have lower nicotine levels.
Overall, this study makes for some interesting reading. Link:
Absorption of nicotine across biological membranes depends on pH. Nicotine is a weak base with a pKa of 8.0. In its ionized state, such as in acidic environments, nicotine does not rapidly cross membranes. The pH of smoke from flue-cured tobaccos, found in most cigarettes, is acidic (pH 5.5–6.0). At this pH, nicotine is primarily ionized. As a consequence, there is little buccal absorption of nicotine from flue-cured tobacco smoke, even when it is held in the mouth...Smoke from air-cured tobaccos, the predominant tobacco used in pipes, cigars, and some European cigarettes, is more alkaline (pH 6.5 or higher) and, considerable nicotine is unionized. Smoke from these products is well absorbed through the mouth...
Pipe smokers, particularly those who have previously smoked cigarettes, may have blood and urine levels of nicotine and cotinine as high as cigarette smokers...Primary pipe smokers who have not previously smoked cigarettes tend to have lower nicotine levels.
Overall, this study makes for some interesting reading. Link:
Nicotine Chemistry, Metabolism, Kinetics and Biomarkers - PMC
Nicotine underlies tobacco addiction, influences tobacco use patterns, and is used as a pharmacological aid to smoking cessation. The absorption, distribution and disposition characteristics of nicotine from tobacco and medicinal products are ...