Nicotene Levels?

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Sep 13, 2013
Hey guys I am new to pipe smoking. My friend had me hooked for a bit and I finally cracked down and bough myself a Meerschaum corn cob. When I first started to smoke, I began with Captain Black original. To me it tasted fantastic, even with a little bit of zest/sweet flavor. However, recently whenever I smoke I will get halfway through the smoke and feel dizzy and even lightheaded. I have read it could be from too much Nicotine or a chemical I reacted to? This past week I smoked Borkum Riff original mixture and I maybe took 5 puffs...I was so dizzy I began to freak out. :( I don't inhale, and I don't use filters either. I also read if I exhale through my nose it gives more contact for the Nicotine to enter my body. I was just curious if anyone has had this feeling when they first started? I really love the flavor and hobby and don't wanna give it up! :D



Aug 14, 2011
You'll get used to the nicotine and develop a higher tolerance to it over time. You just have to smoke very slow and maybe only smoke after a meal. Less food and water in your system will lower your tolerance substantially.
Glad you're enjoying it off the back with the Captain though. He is quite tasty.
Welcome to the forums!



Jul 27, 2012
Welcome to the foums Jonn.
You'll get used to the nicotine and develop a higher tolerance to it over time. You just have to smoke very slow and maybe only smoke after a meal.
There are blends that are low in nic, so you may need to branch out, but you will likely build up more tolerance fairly soon.
And always smoke on a full stomach if you're sensitive to nicotine. And try having a (somewhat) sugary drink on hand. I find if I get too high a dose of nicotine, I will drink a cranberry with seltzer and that sets me straight nice and quick.



Sep 13, 2013
You just have to smoke very slow and maybe only smoke after a meal. Less food and water in your system will lower your tolerance substantially.

I will definitly make sure I eat something before I smoke. The past couple times it was right before lunch, so I was pretty hungry at the time. Big Mistake!

And try having a (somewhat) sugary drink on hand. I find if I get too high a dose of nicotine, I will drink a cranberry with seltzer and that sets me straight nice and quick.

Sugary drink I'll have to try that.
Thanks Guys! :D



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 27, 2013
In regards to six's post on the cranberry and seltzer, remember it would be ill-advised to drink anything carbonated while smoking. Some can and others can't, but new smokers will almost always get a strange feeling from carbonated drinks. Good Luck and Welcome by the way.




Sep 14, 2011
Welcome to the forums and pipe smoking. Good advice, so far. I will add my standard advice to new pipe smokers: smoke the best tobaccos in the best pipes you can afford. BR ain't one of 'em. :D



Can't Leave
Feb 20, 2013
Captain Black is also really low on Nicotine so anything with a little more is going to seem like a doozy. I'm with Jud and recommend the better tobaccos. In particular, McClelland brands tend to be pretty low on Nicotine and may not be the worst area to begin exploring different styles of tobacco.



Jul 27, 2012
In regards to six's post on the cranberry and seltzer, remember it would be ill-advised to drink anything carbonated while smoking. Some can and others can't, but new smokers will almost always get a strange feeling from carbonated drinks.
I wouldn't exactly say "ill-advised", but it's true some people can't drink carbonated beverages when smoking a pipe. When I first began smoking a pipe, I would light too often and burn my tongue. This would cause some stinging when I drank anything highly carbonated. It wasn't unbearable, but it was bothersome.
Now I have no trouble with it whatsoever, but straight cranberry may be better in the beginning if you have this problem.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 27, 2013
I couldn't think of another word other than ill-advised sorry if it seemed like an attack or anything just lack of words, but yeah you got lucky six that it was just bothersome to you, I did it only once on my first time it both burned and stung it was not fun.




Jul 27, 2012
I couldn't think of another word other than ill-advised sorry if it seemed like an attack or anything just lack of words
No worries Ron. I suppose if it stung like heck, I'd use the same phrase too.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 16, 2013
I envy you. Wish I could still get that dizzy, but it's been about 25 years. Been chasing it ever since!
All kidding aside, soon your tolerance will develop, and you'll miss it. For now, enjoy it! That's the nicotine buzz.



Sep 1, 2011
Captain black is not a heavy nic tobacco IMO. I am a nicotine wuss by the way. As others have said, eat first and smoke slow. You may enjoy Mac Baren seven seas blends and 1Q if you like the Captain? They are affordable and low on the nicotine levels.



Jun 23, 2013
South Dakota
If you are getting dizzy in 5 puffs.....does that include initial lighting? How many are you puffing.
Wondering if its actually a slight hyperventilation from puffing hard and fast.
Make sure you slow down. It's huge for your technique anyway.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 27, 2013
Yeah I agree completely with not smoking on an empty stomach, I did that the other day with Dunhill's Royal Yacht (I also hiccuped a few times and inhaled) that was not a fun night.




Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 27, 2013
I personally love it, it doesn't feel as intense as Irish Flake, but it is a standard Dunhill mixture it's mellow but flavorful. The tin note gives off a fig scent and it's all Virginias, which I have come to love, overall I love it and it is in my regular rotation. Sorry I've never reviewed a tobacco before. But yeah I would recommend it.




Jun 27, 2012
Hey Jonn welcome.
Everyone gave some good advice. I like a bit of the Captain now and then. Some Captain Black: Dark fixes that sweet tooth craving I get. I know it seems like a silly question but do you have asthma or allergies which would be slowing down your oxygen intake?
I have to focus my breathing before I start smoking sometimes, especially if I'm going to be slouching in my chair. If your puffing and not inhaling, your pausing your oxygen intake. When I started out I found myself more interested in blowing smoke plumes instead of sipping. With my asthma and allergies it definitely affected my oxygen levels.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I always recommend new smokers drink sweet iced tea while smoking. It will never burn your tongue and it goes great with pipe tobacco. After my morning coffee, I drink sweet tea all day and night while smoking.
Don't listen to six, he puts his tongue on a buffing wheel every morning before he starts smoking and has built up callouses on his tongue so he could drink battery acid and it would not affect him.



Sep 7, 2013
I don't think it has anything to do with asthma or allergies, though it might. I have seen it before, when my wife started smoking; she could only smoke 5-10 puffs after lighting on a pipe or cigar. Borkum Riff i found to be higher in nicotine than many other mainstream/grocery store brands. I smoke it for that reason, to get a fix. All the advice on here is good stuff, eating, drinking, pace, posture. many tobacconists, both b&m and online can recommend a blend with a milder strength and a fuller flavor. Also, check the blogs and reviews here on pipes magazine to get a better idea of what you are seeking.
Smoke em if you got em!



Feb 21, 2013
Someone else said it, but I second the motion, slow down on your puffing. Beginners can be really focussed on the pipe

and drag a lot of smoke into their mouthes without really stopping to taste. I wouldn't drag the smoke through your

nasal passages. Some people like this, but it gets back into the cigarette smoking style of inhaling, and it's not necessary.

You'll get all the best of pipe smoking without it. (Okay, some folks love that approach, and each to his own, but I did

want to point out it probably isn't the classic approach to pipe smoking.) Over-the-counter tobacco often has more

dressing (non-tobacco ingredients) than other tobaccos sold in bulk, I think. You might want to try something like

Lane's Q-1 (a perennial favorite), Lane's LL-7, Peter Stokkebye Nougat, and similar light aromatics. You might want to

hold your pipe smoking to a bowl a day until you find tobacco that agrees with you. I haven't tried the suggested beverages

as antidotes to nicotine. There are only some tobaccos that have enough nicotine to make me aware of it, like Five Brothers and


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