Hi all,
I just purchased this Kaywoodie Supergrain 14 from an antique store for $9.50. The stem was terrible oxidized and the bowl was full of thick cake and dottle from what smelled like sort of aromatic. It was pretty gross. I cleaned it up as best as good (first ever restoration) and I'm pretty happy with it. I'm still a very new pipe smoker so I won't comment on how well it smokes since any flaws in the smoking are likely user error. Totally forgot the before pictures since I was so excite to get started. Anyone have an idea on the date? Best I can tell is somewhere between 1939-1972. It has a a four hole stinger. Thanks!
I just purchased this Kaywoodie Supergrain 14 from an antique store for $9.50. The stem was terrible oxidized and the bowl was full of thick cake and dottle from what smelled like sort of aromatic. It was pretty gross. I cleaned it up as best as good (first ever restoration) and I'm pretty happy with it. I'm still a very new pipe smoker so I won't comment on how well it smokes since any flaws in the smoking are likely user error. Totally forgot the before pictures since I was so excite to get started. Anyone have an idea on the date? Best I can tell is somewhere between 1939-1972. It has a a four hole stinger. Thanks!