You raise a good question. If I find a couple blends I like today and keep sampling and expanding my horizons could I mess up my enjoyment of those couple of blends. Maybe I should spend a good month (or tin) just enjoying a couple I have found and slow my sampling down? Not sure.
Do whatever you like, that’s all it’s about, no one can tell you.
But, when first starting out, sampling a lot at once in the beginning can certainly overwhelm your taste, so that you have a hard time distinguishing the blends flavors/nuances.
So if you find something you really enjoy, stick with it a little to really get your tastes adjusted to it.
You’re not going to mess up anything, other than possibly overwhelming your senses with to much at once.
It’s not Rocket Science LOL ?
It’s only about your taste buds getting acclimated and it takes time.
So sip very slow, taste the smoke with your mouth, also retrohale, blow little wisps of smoke out your nostrils, some say it helps to find more flavor, personally for me it does nothing.
When you read a review/write up on a blend, telling about all the nuances, as an example, bread, raisins, plums, honey, floral, tart, tangy, sour... As you taste and sip the smoke slowly, explore for those flavors, and in time, your mouth will hopefully notice them.
Well to start with, look at it like this, how can we tell you what you like.
Just to give you my thoughts, I look at it like this, there are lots of great blends out there, I am of the type of personality that loves to try something new all the time.
I mean, don’t we all typically get bored eating the same thing all the time? I certainly do, and I get tired of smoking the same blends all the time, so I have like around 40 different blends, so when the mood strikes me for something different I go for it.
I’m always buying tabac, I’m waiting for Germain blends to come in stock, these are the next on my radar.
Since Christmas, I have bought Ken Byron Ventures Verge Engine SantaDrive, and The Patience of Dr. Silence, then Sutliff Cringle Flake 2021.
From Secret Santa I received Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake and C&D Burley #3, and I just bought an 8 ounce bag of Esoterica Dunbar, and last night I just bought two tins of Samuel Gawith Grousemoor and Samuel Gawith Sam's Flake.
There is just an insane amount of tabac out there in the world, and I want to sample and smoke as much as I can, it’s exciting!