Welcome. Don't make rash decisions about pipe smoking based on trying a tobacco blend that does not appeal to your tastes, or idealized expectations of how that particular tobacco blend should taste. I have been smoking a pipe, on and off, since I turned sixteen years old, and I'm still trying to find that "perfect" blend. I wish I had a nickel for every time I was disappointed by some blends. Eventually, you'll zero in on blends you prefer.
Please! try sample sizes of many different blends, and don't get caught up with the ridiculous, poetic blend-descriptions, but do make notes of the tobaccos used in some blends. For example....a blend may have some smokey, leathery Latakia as an ingredient. If you hate it, don't buy blend that includes that leaf. Jot down some notes and rate your experiences. Also, don't be daunted or sorely disappointed if the blends you have chosen do not meet your expectations. Keep trying. I would seek out and order small samples from the major tobacconist shops. Ads are all over this forum, including many links. The "PIPES AND CIGARS" catalog offer many groups, as a collection, of sample-size packets of some of the most popular blends, that are very economical. Tobacco shops will very often allow you to fill your pipe with the blends that they are offering, for your trials. Take advantage.
Aromatics are usually heavily flavored, and often taste like nothing the name suggests. It's all a game....but it's fun to play. Expect nothing.... and be rewarded when you eventually hit pay dirt. Approach learning how to smoke, and looking for some blends as a work-in-progress, an adventure. You may have some pleasant surprises.
Also, go to school by watching some You-Tube videos that show the various pipe-smoking techniques, and reviews of tobacco blends, etc. You-Tube is loaded with these kinds of videos.
Finally, this forum is loaded with members who will help you with all your pipe questions and problems. I recently dusted off all my briars, and fired them up, again, after a 20 year rest, because of what I read on this forum, and what I saw on You-Tube. I realized that I smoked my pipes all wrong, for many, many, years, but now, I got my head straight, thanks to this forum. Old dogs can learn new tricks.
Don't give up, and cut yourself short. Learn how to properly smoke a pipe, and learn what to feed it. There's a blend with your name on it out there, somewhere. Go find it. Kick back and relax. Sip some smoke. Forget the world. Life is short.
Hope this might help you to become a Brother-of-The Briar. Good luck.