What’s up JTH1991. So I’m so happy you posted these questions. Because I’m also all but brand new to pipe smoking myself. And until today…and I mean just a hour ago. I hadn’t yet been able to taste much of, if any, of the nuances in the tobaccos i‘ve tried. And I’ve tried a few different non aromatic and aromatic blends both. But today, just an hour ago….i had the most glorious experience with tobacco I’ve ever had. And literally want to shout it from the top of a mountain so everyone knows I finally figured out how to smoke a pipe!! haha.
I’ve smoked cigarettes for over 20 years and until now just figured maybe my taste buds weren’t as good as necessary anymore to be able to get the flavors from the tobacco I’ve been smoking out of my pipes. But that’s not at all true. The issue was that I was doing a few things slightly wrong. This was causing me to get a little tongue bite, and only tasting tobacco flavor, and an ashy, burnt rubber taste.
One is I was packing the bowl too tight. I’d been trying to pack tight enough to feel some resistance. Like drinking water through a straw. I needed to be packing only tight enough to just barely notice a difference between drawing through an empty pipe and full one. Which I did with my last bowl. Secondly I was drawing too hard and taking in far too much smoke. I heard a few guys here say they can just breath through their nose with their mouth closed, with a good seal around the stem, and thats enough to draw Smoke into the mouth. I tried this today and realized it worked for me and i immediately started to taste the sweetness from the JM Boswells Berry Cobbler blend i packed in my pipe. I also heard a few guys here say that the flavors that one can taste, come from the oils in the tobacco, being released by the tobacco that is just outside of the cherry burning in the center of the bowl. So I immediately realized I had probably been using my lighter too much and lighting one or two times too many, and getting the entire top layer of tobacco to be red hot and burning. I just figured that was necessary to keep the pipe lit. Now I know to just kiss the tobacco with the flame a few times and let the cherry start to happen naturally. This, combined with me taking in smaller amounts of smoke initially, must have allowed those oils to begin to release, rather than get burned away, and I was finally able to taste what I was supposed to. I tasted the berry, notes of chocolate and white chocolate, I could taste a slight tart or citrusy flavor which I assume came from either the berry topping or any Virginias that are in that blend. Shortly after, I realized doing it this way was actually causing me to inhale a small amount of that smoke that was being drawn into my mouth. All I needed to do now was to start sipping again like I always did instead of breathing in through my nose but just a bit slower and with less suction. I still made sure to breath in through my nose occasionally to incorporate my sniffer too, but not always so I wasn’t inhaling with every breath. it was amazing!! And I immediately realized what was happening. This bowl I was smoking was the bowl where everything just clicked. Now I cant Wait to smoke my next bowl. Can’t wait to try different blends.
Anyway dude, my apologies for writing so much. I’m sure you can tell I’m terrible at typing in proper form and I’m not the best at explaining what it is I’m trying to convey in text form. I just figured I could help a bit because it just all clicked for me. I’d say keep watching YouTube Videos and reading what everyone here suggests about how to properly pack and how to properly light and smoke a pipe. Most importantly, if it’s something you truly fancy for yourself, don’t give up. It might not go as you envisioned at first. But eventually it’ll all just click, and soon you’ll be a pro. After that happens you’ll be sitting on the front porch and having the most deeply contemplative, most profound, and most thought provoking reflective pipe smoking sessions ever. Good luck my friend!!

Oh yeah, a super big thank you to all of you veteran pipe smokers here that contribute to these forum threads. I can’t begin to explain the joy I’m feeling right now to have finally figured out a thing or two about this glorious hobby. Cheers fellas.