Good evening all! I started smoking the occasional cigar with a glass of bourbon a couple of years ago. But I really have not gotten heavy into the cigar world. I smoke maybe 4 to 5 cigars a year. I enjoy it while I am doing it, but not enough to go out of my way. I was in my local tobacco shop a while back and smelled the familiar sweeter smoke of pipe tobacco, as two gentlemen were smoking pipes nearby. I remember thinking how much more I enjoyed the smell of pipe tobacco than cigar smoke (and definitely cigarette smoke). So, after thinking about it for a couple of weeks, I have decided to give it a go.
I have purchased a cheap pipe on Amazon (like a $20 starter pipe), and I got a "Golden Cavendish Blend" from a neighborhood cigar and tobacco shop. My hope is that this will be more pleasurable than cigars for me. Enough to smoke more often.
I grew up with two parents that were chain cigarette smokers, and thankfully have never taken up that habit, but now in my late 40s, I am ready to try something new.
I look forward to reading more on the forums, and asking some questions. Please be patient with me, sometimes I can be a little dense!