So I ended up getting a tin of Erinmore flake. My first experiences so far have been somewhat frustrating, and if I am to be completely honest, disappointing. Maybe it's how I'm doing it, maybe it's the tobacco, or maybe I am just not cut out for this hobby. Thing is I love all things smokey, and I love strong flavours, so I was 99% sure I'd love smoking a pipe!
In terms of the taste (once I actually got it going), it tasted like cigars (the closest comparison in my experience) in quite a generic way - nothing really convinced me to keep puffing in terms of the taste of it. The smell I like better, both the smell of the fresh, unburnt tobacco, and the smell in the garage afterwards. Is it an acquired taste would people say? I'll keep trying it every few days probably just to see. I don't hate it, but I'm not getting the richness of flavour I guess I expected, it tastes like tobacco smoke to me at this point...