New to VaPer's, Needs Advice..

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Might Stick Around
Sep 10, 2017
Greetings veteran VaPer lovers,
So, I really want to start expanding my palette and am drawn to the idea of Virginias and Perique for some unknown reason. I have not had great success adapting to Virginias in the past, finding them harsh and hard on the tongue. As a result, I thought trying them with another type of tobacco which will not overpower the flavor but which will make them more manageable would be a good idea- hence VaPer's. However, I just tried McClelland's St. James Woods VaPer and am intrigued. I can taste the spiciness of the Perique but the Virginias a very mellow, which I found surprising. I know this is a loaded question, but here goes: What am I supposed to be experiencing while smoking different types of Virginias? For instance, while smoking this blend I know it has red Virginia and stoved Virginia's but I am only getting a faint hint of any Virginia's at all (I read a review about letting this blend air out for a few hours, which I did). So, any clarification on the appreciation of Virginia's would be much appreciated.
-The Doctor



Jul 16, 2012
I think virginias require a pretty serious expertise in technique, and a bit of experience in smoking them to get the most. Fat lot of good it's going to do you if I tell you that a Red virginia is fuller and sweet in a way that is more tangy but less sharp than a bright virginia (I assume).
Perique adds depth when it's at low levels, a sort of body-building enhancement. Amped up a bit, you start to get an almost peppery spice in the smoke.
I would start with a few "approachable" classics - McConnell Scottish Cake, Escudo maybe. And a few perique-less virginias like maybe the McClelland 40th anniversary, or F/T Blackjack to get an idea of what reds taste like, and something like Dunhill Flake maybe to see what bright leaf can do.



Jun 30, 2015
VaPers can be a mad scientist's collection of blends and tastes. The amount of perique in a VaPer, even just varying a couple of percent can greatly change the interplay of all the components. The cut can effect what flavors come to the forefront or blend together in the background. Hay/grass to bready to figgy to peppery to a combination of these all are possible in the realm of VaPers. It's a big VaPer world out there; go forth and explore!



Feb 21, 2013
I'm not one of the Forums Va/Per gurus here, but there are a number. But I agree with prairie', it is an expansive genre with many excellent blends. I have barely scratched the surface. Gentle sipping is a good approach. I find a medium sized conical shaped chamber a likely choice. Often flake is a good cut. The rest is up to you. But there are some highly cultivated Va/Per smokers in Forums, so listen up for their input.



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
One of the benefits of VaPer blends is that if you find you prefer less Perique in the mix you can cut it with a percentage of straight Virginia.
I smoke a lot of McClelland's #2015 VaPer but generally cut it with some rubbed out FVF to tone it down a tad.
Well, it works for me :puffy:



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Getting the most from Virginias and Va/Pers does require knowing how to best smoke them. When I first started smoking Virginias I found them flavorless and a bit harsh, and I couldn't figure out what anyone saw in them. Compared to English/Balkan/Oriental blends there just seems to be no there, there. I now realize that it wasn't the tobacco, it was my lack of knowledge in how to get the flavors out of them.
Drying the blend until it is almost bone dry, dry to the touch when squeezed betwixt thumb and forefinger, while still pliant is generally a good moisture level. Smoking them very slowly, using slow sips of the smoke, and gently exhaling them through the nose, brings out the best in their more delicate flavors. It's a different process than smoking other types of tobacco.
There are hundreds of Va/Pers available on the market. As has been mentioned, Escudo is a good one to try. Among my sort list of favorites that I've cellared are the following:
Scandinavian Tobacco Group - Escudo

Solani - 633

RO Perique Series - GP-11

Rattray's - Hal O' The Wynd, Marlin Flake

Hearth & Home - Anniversary Kake, Louisiana Red, Viprati

Daughters and Ryan - Rimboché AB

Esoterica - Dunbar and Dorchester

GL Pease - Sixpence, Telegraph Hill, Fillmore, and Haddo's Delight

HU - Director's Cut, Louisiana Broken, Old Fredder's Broken Flake

MacBaren - HH Acadian Perique

McClellen - Beacon, Beacon Extra, 2015,

Motzek - Strang

Peter Heinrichs - Curly Block

Peter Stokkebye - Luxury Bullseye Flake (but only after aging for 4 years)

Samuel Gawith - St James Flake

Savinelli - Doblone d'Oro (nun nicer)

Davidoff - Flake Medallions

4Noggins - Prairie Wind
All of these have different flavor characteristics, and some, like Haddo's are not strictly Va/Pers. But all are blends that I find very satisfying to smoke. Smoke dry, smoke slow.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2017
That is a nice list sable, all worth trying. I have tried them all except 4noggins and RO Perique Series, hmm, time for TAD.



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Jesse, thanks for the mention of HU - Old Fredder's Broken Flake, this is one that has clearly passed me by in my recent search for US made VaPers. I just read the (few) reviews on and it sounds a winner. Best I contact my enabler afore I forget the name :)

Mar 30, 2014
Jesse’s “short list” is more than most people’s cellars.
But he’s right. The smoking technique is the key. Slow,slow,slow. Almost on the border of smoldering. Not a blazing fire.
A tall skinny billiard is what I prefer for Virginia’s.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
thanks for the mention of HU - Old Fredder's Broken Flake, this is one that has clearly passed me by in my recent search for US made VaPers. I just read the (few) reviews on and it sounds a winner. Best I contact my enabler afore I forget the name :)

Jay, that one is an excellent VaPer and pretty unique among the genre, me thinks you’ll like it very much. While you’re at it, you owe it to yourself to pick up a tin of Hadde’s Best Irish (also an HU tobacco) it’s a VaPerKY (is that a thing? I like the sound of that.) with a subtle floral/honey note, just splendid that one is. I order my HU’s from Esterval’s Pipe House. They also have the cheapest Salty Dogs I’ve found.



Aug 20, 2013
There are many, many VA/Perique blends, varying by the perique percentage, from perhaps 5%-40%. Once the per cent goes beyond ~20% it dominates, which many don't like feeling that it should be condimental. But for perique chowhounds there can never be enough. C&D Chenet's Cake at 35% works for them.
The other variable is the type of VAs used, golden, red, brown; flue-cured, pressed, stoved, aged. A cigar is not just a cigar as a VA/Perique is not just a VA/Perique. They're all different. One could spend years going through them.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Jesse's list is a great one. The only Vaper I would add is Dunhill Deluxe Navy Rolls. I know many people think it is the same as Escudo, but I am one who does not. To my tastes it is sweeter than Escudo with less peppery notes. Yes it is more money than Escudo but you are talking pennies per bowl when you break it down by the gram.



Jun 27, 2012
Admittedly this is not what you asked but McCelland's Tudor Castle and Butra's Blended flake make up 80% of what I smoke. You've gotten some great advice, but I love what the addition of Oriental tobacco can do to blends.
Red Rapparee is another must have for me. (No Perique though)



Feb 21, 2013
Russ O.'s Fire Storm is a nice one if you'd like some dark fired with your Va/Per.

Mar 29, 2016
J.F.Germain & Son - Royal Jersey Perique Mixture for a cigar like Va/Per.
Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) - Escudo Navy De Luxe for a sweet dried plum taste.
McClelland - No. 2015 Virginia Perique Flake for a peppery/earthy, dried plum taste tobacco.



Unrepentant Philomath
Oct 16, 2011
+1 on Fire Storm.
To my palate it’s unique amongst VaPers in a very good way. Full and complex but easy-smoking.

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