Everytime i join a new forum i feel like im starting an AA meeting! But anyways, started picking up pipe smoking about a year and a half ago. I had no one to really ask or shops to go to so i found a few youtube videos and became a master smoker over night! Thats also how i learned to be a rocket scientist!! I started small when i started. Found a starter kit for about 70 bucks and ran with that for 6 months or so. I picked up a Missouri corn cob, which i really liked smoking. Just bought my first good pipe. A savinelli roma lucite 673. Still waiting on it. I have experience not many different tobacco's yet seeing as i only smoke on weekends. I dont go threw them to fast. But they have been cornell and diehl. One i think was an aromatic and another a Virginia. Both of them are light smokers nothing too bold. I enjoyed both of them very much. I still have many times i smoke, that doesnt go well, but im still learning. I wanted to branch out a little more and had some questions about what i may be doing wrong with smoking so thought i would join this.