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Jul 1, 2012
Hi, as mentioned in this topics title, I am new to the art of smoking a pipe, if you discount the horrid experience I had at the age of around 15 when I begged my best mates dad into letting me smoke alittle of delicious smelling tobacco, needless to say my immature palate was no match for the delicate flavours he had described to me before smoking, back to the present and I'm 29 (this month) and decided to give pipe smoking another shot when I spotted a cheep pipe and the delectable sounding/smelling "black cherry" tobacco in the tobacconists across the road from my works.

I have to say, I really didn't expect to have it take over my entire existence, all I can think about after a 9 hour shift is that 1st bowl and sitting out in the garden with the other half after we put our daughter to sleep, even my missus enjoys my new hobby! She has smoked cigarettes for almost 10 years and I feel that her palete (at first) lent itself to the past time than mine. Like I said AT FIRST! It tool me around 1 week before I truly started to appreciate the flavours and quiet tranquility that pipe smoking brings to my life,

Without going on to much, I'd like to say how humbled I am to have become a honorary member of this community and maybe in another few years I will have earnt my stripes and beable to offers my knowlege and experience out to another noon, back to the title are there any smokers from the Uk as all the info I can find via google seems to be from our USA allies and I'm struggling to find advice... Flavours, pipe prices etc. Please come say hello, all humans welcome, looking forward to chatting with you and mastering this art



Apr 17, 2012
Welcome to the group!! As you mentioned your tastes will change / grow as time goes by. WE do have UK members here for sure.

I'm Canadian and many other countries are represented as well. I'm sure some of our UK members will make themselves known to you. :puffpipe:



Jul 1, 2012
Great to receive a warm welcome from you all, I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions for a relatively inexpensive but good pipe, as it is my birthday at the end of this month and me and my better half have just been talking about possible presents, she wants to buy me a good pipe. Thanks



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 6, 2012
Welcome aboard Davey :D
Instead of inexpensive give us a price range. Most here will tell you buy the best you can.

My first and still favorite is a Savinelli about $60 american.
Don't forget ebay, there are plenty of post here on how to clean up and sterilize an estate pipe.

You could save 50-80% this way and get more bang for your buck..



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Welcome aboard fellow pipster. Like mentioned above, grab a good Savinelli it was also my first pipe and it is still one of my favorites. You can get great deals on Ebay if you do your research and know what they should go for. If you can find a Savinelli Linea Piu ( $50-80) or a Savinelli Autograpgh ( $75-100) that are in great shape, you have done well. Buy from established sellers with 100% feedback and you will most likely get a great pipe.



Sep 20, 2011
Not a UK piper but a redneck married to a UK country beauty. Spent some time living PT in Suffolk. Welcome to the club. Since you're in the UK, check out Invicta Briars.



Might Stick Around
Apr 27, 2012
Hi Davey. I'm a UK smoker living in the South Cotswolds. Just post any UK related questions here and we'll pick them up no doubt. Welcome to a fine hobby.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2012
Aye, and truly welcome to the site and the pipe. Let the adventure begin. I think the weather in UK could be entirely wonderful for smokin the briar. Here in arizona USA we rarely see a rainy cloudy day. :wink:



Jul 1, 2012
Funny you should mention that Lazydog, just this minute ran for cover as the heavens opened, finishing my bowl sitting at the back door, the scent of Cherry, Vanilla and rain hanging in the air, truly a perfect way to unwind, I would give it all up to sit over looking the Grand Canyon though!



Aug 5, 2011
Might be best to keep away from ebay until you know pipes a bit better. Best value pipes in UK are Blakemar briars. Look them up. Mike will sort you out!



Apr 17, 2012
Not sure what your budget is but I have 3 Lorenzotti pipes that I really like and it took nothing to break them in. Now Lorenzetti pipes start at about 70.00 and go to about 700.00. I can tell you that even their lower end pipes are very good smokers....enjoy the ride lol
Also a couple of corn cob pipes (Missouri Meerschaum) is a must have. They are about 8.00 each here in Canada and everything smokes good in a cob, so if you want to test drive a tobacco before using it in your briar, smoke it in the cob first. Don't buy china knock off cobs though.



Jul 1, 2012
Great advice, learnt from the eBay mistake already, I know you can find some real bargains there but I purchased 2 x "outstanding quality" wooden pipes, luckily I only paid around £3 for them both I'm new to pipes but even I can tell that to light these pipes would be a huge mistake, there's a company called ChangFeng I think, who are knocking out pipes like this, I certainly will not be buying a pipe that comes out of Hong Kong again



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 6, 2012
+1 for Missouri Meerschaum and one of my favorites and cheapest around are Mr. Brogs..... $20-30 each.
In fact i had one few 1 match bowls the other night in a Mr. Brogs.................

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