Hows it going guys, I'm Brandon and just discovered this lovely site today searching up pipe smoking info and communities. This seems to be one of the more lively communities I've found yet and I enjoy the sites layout. I'll branch out but I think I'll make myself comfortable here for now.
So as you can see by the thread title I'm very new to pipe smoking, thankfully I'm formerly a cigarette smoker. I say thankfully not only for my wallet and health but also because pipes are just far better. I was on the patch for some time and still use it for work, however pipe smoking has curved all of my cravings. As a pretext I'd like to state I don't use pipes as much as I did smoke cigarettes or as a replacement. I would hate to give that as my first impression here with you all. I do not inhale so no need to warn me folks. Again I'm stoked to be here and to get involved with the pipe community.
So I've got a lot of questions and in advanced I'd like to apologize for the amount I'm about to ask.
Firstly I'd like to know, is it true that you shouldn't smoke the same pipe two days in a row? I heard this on a video from someone who seemed pretty well versed in pipe smoking. I do plan to buy a corn cob pipe to add to the collection for their cheap price and alleged good smoke.
While on the subject of bolstering my collection, what brands of pipe would you suggest to someone looking to spend no more then say 100 dollars on their pipe? Eventually I plan to treat myself to nicer more intricate pipes, but for now I wanna keep it 100 and below. I currently own a Capri pipe thanks to my girlfriend, and I enjoy it though it is a little heavy on my jaw and shakes in my mouth a lot from what I'm assuming is due to its weight.
Moving on, my next question is what is your favorite tobacco brands and blends you would suggest? I have only smoked one of two tobaccos I own which is Highland Whiskey (i enjoy it it's just a bit of a hot smoke.) The other blend I have is just labeled on the plastic bag my girlfriend gave it to me in as "Cold+Mild" I have yet to try it and plan to once I get the corn cob pipe.
Lastly I'd like to know if mason jars are the preferred method for pipe smokers to store their tobacco? It seems like the most reasonable way as I have stored other... "herbs" (; in mason jars which kept them well and good for ages.
Anticipate the replies and to contribute to the many discussions that happen here. Thanks for any advice guys! If you have any other tips for me that I may not have asked about please let me know! I'm open to all suggestions and advice.
Edited by jvnshr: Title capitalization (please check Rule #9)
So as you can see by the thread title I'm very new to pipe smoking, thankfully I'm formerly a cigarette smoker. I say thankfully not only for my wallet and health but also because pipes are just far better. I was on the patch for some time and still use it for work, however pipe smoking has curved all of my cravings. As a pretext I'd like to state I don't use pipes as much as I did smoke cigarettes or as a replacement. I would hate to give that as my first impression here with you all. I do not inhale so no need to warn me folks. Again I'm stoked to be here and to get involved with the pipe community.
So I've got a lot of questions and in advanced I'd like to apologize for the amount I'm about to ask.
Firstly I'd like to know, is it true that you shouldn't smoke the same pipe two days in a row? I heard this on a video from someone who seemed pretty well versed in pipe smoking. I do plan to buy a corn cob pipe to add to the collection for their cheap price and alleged good smoke.
While on the subject of bolstering my collection, what brands of pipe would you suggest to someone looking to spend no more then say 100 dollars on their pipe? Eventually I plan to treat myself to nicer more intricate pipes, but for now I wanna keep it 100 and below. I currently own a Capri pipe thanks to my girlfriend, and I enjoy it though it is a little heavy on my jaw and shakes in my mouth a lot from what I'm assuming is due to its weight.
Moving on, my next question is what is your favorite tobacco brands and blends you would suggest? I have only smoked one of two tobaccos I own which is Highland Whiskey (i enjoy it it's just a bit of a hot smoke.) The other blend I have is just labeled on the plastic bag my girlfriend gave it to me in as "Cold+Mild" I have yet to try it and plan to once I get the corn cob pipe.
Lastly I'd like to know if mason jars are the preferred method for pipe smokers to store their tobacco? It seems like the most reasonable way as I have stored other... "herbs" (; in mason jars which kept them well and good for ages.
Anticipate the replies and to contribute to the many discussions that happen here. Thanks for any advice guys! If you have any other tips for me that I may not have asked about please let me know! I'm open to all suggestions and advice.
Edited by jvnshr: Title capitalization (please check Rule #9)