Long time Pipe smoker new to the Forum concept and thought I'd check it all out. Just signing in today and haven't looked at anything yet. Just recently discovered the Youtube world of Pipe Smokers too. Been watching Tobacco Reviews and Pipe Makers the last few months and I had no idea. Always smoked a Cob because every drugstore and tobacconist had them and they were cheap. As a boy I typically raided my Aunts and Uncles ash trays for the last inch of Camel and Lucky strike Non filtered Cigs and that's what I smoked in my cob...Huck Finn style. In my 20's I smoked cherry and vanilla bulk blends from the corner tobacconist. In my 30's and 40's it's always been Borkum Riff Bourbon Whiskey as it also was always on any Smoke shops shelf. After seeing YouTube vids of guys showing off their Cellared Tobacco collections rivaling Wine Cellers and Walkin Cigar Humidors....I think it's time I see what else is out there !!! And so here I am...seeing what all is out there to be learned ! 1950 Plymouth