+1You can buy the real deal at 100gms (doblone) for very near what these go for at why bother?
Yellow:Handsorted Virginia is the wrapper leaf of the blend. The inlay consists of Perique, Virginia and Dark Fired Kentucky. Three Nuns Green is a pipe tobacco made according to English tradition.
I've....already decided I'm buying more of the Doblone so....... :nana:Three Nuns Yellow consists of first class Virginia tobaccos from all over the world. It is a pipe tobacco made according to English tradition and has the natural sweetness of Virginia tobaccos. Hand sorted Virginia is the wrapper leaf of the blend.
Sure. Easy. Because Doblone d'Oro tastes like the Va/Per Three Nuns. Simple as that.I thought the original Three Nuns with perique did not contain any dark-fired leaf?
So why does Doblone D'Oro contain dark-fired if it is a match?
I haven't tried either, but I am having difficulty seeing how the flavours can be so close if the constituent tobaccos aren't even similar.
Can anyone explain this to me?
Well put, Lord Barling!how do you know that there wasn't any dfk in the old Va/Per Three Nuns? Because it isn't listed? Label listings were often incomplete. Descriptions often had and still have boiler plate like "secret process" or "rare and costly ingredients", blah, blah, blah. We don't know for a fact what was in it.
Sometimes we don't have to rely upon memory. When I compared Doblone d'Oro to the Va/Per Three Nuns I was able to do so because I have been gifted with some of the old stuff and smoked it shortly before trying out Doblone d'Oro. And with the Sobranie, I was able to do an A-B-C comparison since I'd been gifted with some 35 year old Original Smoking Mixture and took advantage of the opportunity to smoke it directly against both the Germain's version and Russ' White Knight.PS I've never chased Germain's Balkan Sobranie because the tobaccos used in the old blends are definitely no longer available so I can appreciate your observation about White Knight having a greater resemblance to the old stuff. With that said, I think there are certainly limits to reliance upon taste and memories alone but in many cases it may be the best option.