Remember Sweetbriar, it goes both ways. Leonard can tell you all about the wide variety of Danish tobaccos that Lane is responsible for the distribution of - including the Peter Stokkebye line-up (which, coincidentally was distributed by a Swiss based company before Lane took over). It is easy to overlook the role that a country of a scant 5.7 million people plays on the luxury tobacco industry, but as home to tobacco giants Orlik, Mac Baren and of course, the powerhouse Scandinavian Tobacco Group (international subsidiaries not-withstanding) the Danes have certainly more than made their mark, arguably being larger players in the pipe-tobacco industry by volume that the English; and certainly by capita than any other country.
I often imagine that it was likely a Dane that was the first caucasian to sample the joys of tobacco. Despite what many people seem to think, it was the Danish, not the Norwegians who first settled in Greenland and Iceland - and eventually at L'anse aux Meadows, Vinland (present day Newfoundland). The Mi'kmac and Beothuk both utilized tobacco (n. rustica) in their rituals, and did seemingly trade with the (Danish) Viking settlers; so it isn't that great of a leap to imagine.