Ericusrex, yes, the audio rig is some serious stuff: Mark Levinson No.23, Antique Audio PA-1 valve preamp, wadia transport, Krell DAC, custom made turntable, and a pair of ADS 1290 from the eighties. Sounds amazing!
I fully agree Bigpond!
I also have a pure Class A 3 watt custom made amp paired to a some very high sensitivity Sonus Faber speakers and it rocks. But I live in a big city with very high noise levels, so I can only appreciate it very late at night or really early in the morning. Between 2AM and 6AM. I call it the magic hour.
On the other hand, the valve preamp paired with de Levinson 23 rocks my world. Cristal clear and mellow highs and mids with the amazing punch and bass response of the 200W solid state Levinson through low sensitivity 4 way (one passive woofer)ADS 1290 II. Sounds terrific.
Cheers and is always nice to meet another "hi-end" freak.