Yeah,it sounds like it's an issue of technique. The way you mention tongue irritation and hot smoke taste reminds me of myself in the very early stages. I'm going to throw this out there:
You can sip your way into a hot pipe with a lot of steam in the smoke that burns your tongue.
It's not just about the way you draw on the pipe, it's about the frequency and the time you have it lit, but resting. The only way to give yourself and the pipe time to rest, ie to increase the time between puff sessions, is to learn to pack the pipe properly and that takes experience.
You seem to be bouncing from one method to the next, and it's definitly good to at least try them all, but maybe there's value in picking one method that you've seen at least some good bowls with and trying to perfect that for one type of cut. Once you're getting more adept you can expand on to another tobacco type/cut.
It's a little discouraging to realize that there is no one surefire way of packing the perfect bowl, that much of that skill comes from repetition and practice. I used the standard packing methods at first to get a feel for what I was doing to the tobacco and how that effected my smoke but now I just do it my own way and getting perhaps 50% good bowls, 10% great bowls and 40% so so bowls. What's important though is that I am immproving and feeling that I taste more and more as I progress.