Over the years, I’ve had the chance to introduce half a dozen or so to our world of briar and tobacco. Recently, I’ve had three new recruits. A former cigar guy, a vape guy, and a cig smoker. The cigar guy had previously dabbled in pipes, but had only tried one or two blends (aromatics). He also had a couple of pipes. But I figured the best way to get these guys going was to fully immerse them into the vast array of tobacco genres available to pipe smokers. I gave them each 60-70 single bowl and two bowl samples of tobacco from all the major genres, as well as a good pipe, pipe cleaners and tampers. The pipes were a Lorenzo, a Savinelli and an Ehrlich. The response has been excellent from all three. They are each finding their preferences and starting to build a good rotation of pipes and tobacco. The cig guy in particular, has amassed quite the collection in a very short amount of time. He now has quite a few Caminettos, Petersons and Savinellis, including several pipes that he bought from me. So far, they all seem to lean towards English and Balkans, and a few Virginias.
This has been the most successful recruiting effort I’ve had so far. So what are some of your methods and success rates for new recruits?
This has been the most successful recruiting effort I’ve had so far. So what are some of your methods and success rates for new recruits?