just like to say hi guys. im mark. very new to pipe smoking, but took to it like a duck to water and absolutely love it. wish i would of found this wonder to man years ago !! im still very wet round the gills and not very clued up at all, but im learning. started smoking condor, now smoking dunhill royal yacht. tried some irish twist, but it almost blew my head off !! my mouth has been aliitle sore too just lately. my stomach started to get alittle sore, so i stared to spit out the saliva, and that has seemed to cure it. but i am worried about the sore mouth and if im doing anything wrong, or is it because im new to it ?? i smoked cigarettes for many years, but none at all now. i smoke about 6-8 pipes aday. any tips would be well appreciated guys from you masters of this wonderful pastime. cheers guys, from a true devotee to our cause.