Now you know our pain with...well...pretty much everything else in this world. Oh, what I would give for Flanders Leftorium. :| (closest smiley to "Whistful")I hope they're convenient for right-handed people. I have an Old Boy knock-off, and if you're
right-handed it's really awkward to use. The design of the Old Boy should have been a mirror
image of what it is. [:roll:] I'm glad I didn't pop for the price of a genuine Old Boy.
All you need to do is lose the screw! I usually do that anyway without even trying.I might be willing to buy one if it has an open fill point. My last “nice” lighter required the removal of a screw each time I needed a refill and I will not purchase another lighter with that feature.
Nothing "left handed" about old boys, or at least none that I've found. Mine works fine right-handed.
From what i can find out Peterson have started shipping these to dealers in the UK and they should be availale sometime in August at around the £60 mark.Any idea of a price point from our brothers across the pond?