Welcome, Chris!
I'm relatively new to pipe smoking, but I'd second the recommendation to try samplers. I bought a Hearth & Home sampler from
site sponsor pipesandcigars.com, and I've been working my way through them - takes me a while to smoke even 2 oz. of anything, so it will be a while before I need another. I wasn't thrilled with Berry Nice, myself - Vermont Meat Candy, on the other hand, will probably wind up in the permanent rotation if I ever settle on one. Don't restrict yourself to aros, either - try to get at least a sample of some representative blends (Burley, "codger"/OTC blends, English/Latakia, Va/Per, etc.) and try them out to figure out what you really enjoy smoking. There are no wrong answers - you may really enjoy Berry nice, or Sir Walter Raleigh, or some other blend that someone else abhors. It's all about what you enjoy smoking.