I don't want to get into dutch with anyone here, but let me tell you this: My mother was a politician. She was a very good lady so she ended up very unpopular and constantly fought with all around her. Growing up, we had many legislators, judges and such come by to visit. WITH FEW EXCEPTIONS, people get into politics because they are BUMS who can't hold down a real job and meet a payroll! So they get elected so the taxpayer can give them a salary and healthcare benefits
they could never merit out in the real world.
Now, I hope this doesn't violate any rules here, but if you really want to understand the fundamental problem of why every law, every regulation always seems bass akwards to common sense, I can refer you to this very old article. There are several versions of it but I found this one. I don't consider it "political", it does not advocate any political OPINION, just why all of these people we elect always suck.
And it all comes right back to the agencies like the FDA as well. If you don't want to know, just don't click the link and forget I even said this! :mrgreen:
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