Gogo, ha ha, I rarely ever smoke from what I have set back. While I have a room full of canning jars, they are mostly quart sizes, which is too large for tobacco, IMO, so I still buy the pints and half pints for my cellaring of tobacco. They're cheap,and you cannot have too many jars.
But, what I smoke is just kept in the tin or a ziplock till I finish it. On blue moons I will pop a jar, but mostly when I finish a jar it sets in the canning room till I need a jar, and my wife hand washes them for me after they've been emptied. So, yeh, but smoking from the jars probably won't start for quite a few years to get some age on the stuff that I have set back. Retirement, which is just around the corner for me, that's when the jars will get used mostly.
That's just me, I don't see much harm in reusing a jar right away without washing. As long as there wasn't a mold problem or heavy aroma left in the jar, what would be the bad. I would never use a dishwasher though. If you watch a video of what happens inside those things, you're just as good to rinse the jars in piss, IMO. Ha ha!