Irish flake is good stuff. Still have an old jar of that around.I also tried Peterson Irish Flake which I heard is similar to Old dark fired

Irish flake is good stuff. Still have an old jar of that around.I also tried Peterson Irish Flake which I heard is similar to Old dark fired
I have a Savinelli 804 I believe, a cob, and my dads old meerschaum.Welcome, Clay! What pipes are you starting with?
That was my back yard, and where I rode motorcycle as a teenager. I know every back road in Door / Brown county. Used to have fun getting lost and pulling out a map to get back home. Junction of CTY road T and Y - there are 3 I see on the map so I drive down the road to narrow it down. Life has changed now that I have google maps.... That is also where I started smoking a pipe, usually with tobacco, but also Swisher Sweets!I was up in door county and Green Bay awhile back. Beautiful country