G'day and welcome from Australia.
Having a pipe smoking mentor would have made a huge difference when I first started on a pipe.
I switched to get off a 30-40 a day cigarette habit so I persevered with my inept technique.
Finding pipe forums helped me immensely. No one laughed at my dumb questions.
It's a fine community for sure.
My first experience with Latakia was not good [a generous sample of Becks ol' Limey Bastard from 4noggins]
The bag note reminded me of "Burnt rubber, asphalt and butt"
Thinking, 'do people smoke this shit?' of course I had to try it.
It was intriguing for sure but way too rich. Once I mixed it 50/50 with Windsail Virginia, I enjoyed a small bowl every evening. One bowl was nice. Two bowls was one too many.
It was an acquired taste for sure though I don't think I'll ever get the taste for Lat-bombs.
Blends like Count Pulaski and Early Morning Pipe Match are more my speed.