New Hat, New Pipe, New Blend

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May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
Thanks fellas! Haunted Bookshop is indeed a very nice blend. Has a nice strong quality about it that I especially like in my Rob Roy. This is such a nice little pipe. Going to be working in the garage some and bought a new pouch of CH to run through it and get really break it in.
Banjo is probably gonna sue you. :P
Hahahaha, that's fine, I ain't got nothing to take anyhow. I'll bury the pipes in an undisclosed location so they can't be nabbed. I got a 2005 Honda Accord I just paid off, he can have that. Damn things going to hell anyway.
You know? I used to wear baseball hats all the time, but as I've gotten older, I've moved away from them mostly and now prefer one of my two flat caps and now this one. I have a nice straw hat with a full brim that has nice sun protection in it when I'm in the sun for long periods. This one will be my other hat for non direct sunlight exposure and when it's cooler. I really like it.
Nice combo! Goorin Bros has good merchandise.
I had actually never heard of them before until I was searching for a hat like this. I didn't know they had been around and established for so many years. I had found two other options until I read both of them were imported and made in China, but half the price. I decided to buy American and spend more. I'm happier that way.

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
I probably will, trout. I enjoy my expensive pipes, but I still love smoking a good cob once in a while. Of course, I'm an old soul anyway, so I'm usually found on the weekends in a straw hat, bib overalls and a cob nearby while meandering about the garage trying to decide if I want to make another pipe rack, tamper or who knows what out of wood. Nothing more relaxing than that for me.
Thank you Roger. Personally they can call it whatever they want, but I'm with you! I think it's a sharp hat and I like what I like, but I do think of myself as a gentleman with a certain taste for character!



Mar 11, 2018
I like felt for rainy weather. Felt hats were often atop my head while living in the Pacific Northwest of North America.



May 23, 2018
Nice hat Matt. Much classier than a ball cap. Wear it proud and remove it indoors.

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
Trout, I know you weren't knocking cobs, I've seen you talk about the ones you got! I'm thinking about picking up a Mark Twain next. Bought me some dye today and I'm thinking about tinkering with a few of my seconds and trying to figure out how to self customize mine with a little color. I think they'd look sharp!
Seldom, I've never really owned a felt hat, so I'm really excited to own one finally. I've had leather before, but I feel like it got a little too hot cause it didn't breathe, then it developed mold on one side when I lived at the beach in all the humidity and I just could get rid of it.
Thanks Scott! A gentleman always does! I always take it off the minute I walk indoors.
Thanks snoopy! A good pipe always enhances a man's appearance!



Feb 21, 2013
My wife and I are both hat-crazy. I'm wearing a Missouri Meerschaum truckers cap from the pipe show, the last free one they had at the ticket table and well made. I have straw hats, felt hats, driving and newsboy caps, a bowler, a pork pie, and so forth. I try to observe the old etiquette about not wearing a hat in the house or in a restaurant, although these manners are unknown to most men under 70 years of age. I do lapse around the house in a hat now and then, like now. The hat ritual is still meaningful to me. In the Navy in the 60's/70's, you didn't salute unless you were "covered," i.e. wearing a hat. These mostly non-vet presidents have obliterated that formality; maybe so have the active duty folks. Hats are good.



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Interesting, MSO. I learned the 'hats off indoors' bit of hat etiquette from my father at the bus stop. There was a a soldier waiting for the bus as well, and when his bus came he took off his garrison cap prior to climbing on; my father made me took notice of that, and explained what he had been taught in the army about headgear etiquette. I've been taking my headgear off ever since whenever I go indoors or enter a vehicle. God bless my dad and all members of the armed forces.



Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
mso489 - the hat off indoors was probably reinforced while you were in the Navy. I still take my hat off when in a church, home, sit-down restaurant or government building. I'll admit I don't take my hat off entering places like Walmart or other stores though. What "gets" me is to see military personnel in uniform walking through a parking lot with their hats off. Then again, when I retired we were not supposed to go into a store wearing a work uniform.
Goorin makes good hats. My "summer" hat is a white straw Panama I got from them. I'm buying my next hat from Meyer the Hatter in New Orleans though.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 17, 2017
Nice looking hat !
I’m a hat guy, but recently have mainly been wearing fleece stocking caps because of all the snow we’ re having.

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