I bought a Hardcastle's pipe, (made in London) awhile ago at the local tobacconist and have really enjoyed how it smokes. I have heard that this is a secondary brand to Dunhill and I've found them to be nice pipes within my current budget. Since then I've been scouring ebay for this brand, and I've notice that they sell for a lot when listed as Dunhill related. I recently bought a lot of 3 pipes listed and "Hardcastle's by Lane" which I was able to win for around $80.
In the picture from top to bottom are: Hardcastle Extra, Hardcastle De Luxe, a French basket pipe (the seller threw this in free) and a Hardcastle Select. All are unsmoked and I am getting ready for an inaugural smoke of the black De Luxe with a bowl of GLP Gaslight. I think I will set aside the Extra (with the light stem) for smoking Virginias, the rest will be in my regular English/Balkan rotation.
I'm pretty happy with the deal, another lot of 3 Hardcastle's sold yesterday for $200

In the picture from top to bottom are: Hardcastle Extra, Hardcastle De Luxe, a French basket pipe (the seller threw this in free) and a Hardcastle Select. All are unsmoked and I am getting ready for an inaugural smoke of the black De Luxe with a bowl of GLP Gaslight. I think I will set aside the Extra (with the light stem) for smoking Virginias, the rest will be in my regular English/Balkan rotation.
I'm pretty happy with the deal, another lot of 3 Hardcastle's sold yesterday for $200