You can call me pedestrian if you want, but my favorite coffee is Eight O'Clock Columbian pre-ground. I got on a coffee kick about five years ago and I bought approx. 40 or 50 different blends of coffee over the course of a year. My search led me to buy a bean grinder so that I could taste the coffee beans as they were meant to be savored, freshly ground and strong as hell. Well, after going through pretty much every blend that was locally available and not pre-flavored, I came to the conclusion that I liked the taste of Columbian beans. The Hawaiian beans were too sweet and most of the other South American, Asian and African beans tasted too "earthy" to me. I also found that I preferred pre-ground coffee, as the freshly ground coffee was too astringent for me. So after hundreds of dollars invested in searching for the perfect blend, I ended up liking an old time favorite that is fairly cheap and easy to get everywhere, WOO HOO!