Before we go about throwing suggestions at you, we need to consider your supply situation. Some of us have to buy online and import the tobacco, which means a hassle if customs assess duties. Thus, please forgive if I suggest a given blend that is not available to you. If you're in the US, and don't live in Washington or Utah states, you shouldn't have to worry much, though.
Anyway, Virginias tend to burn hotter because they have more sugars. If tongue bite/burn is an issue for you, bear that in mind. Aromatics can burn hot too, because of the sugars in their toppings and/or due to the humectants cheap aros are laden with. English blends tend to burn the coolest, since they have more oils than sugars.
That being said, I'd strongly suggest trying all of the kinds of blends—aromatic, VAs, VaPers, English, and even Lakelands. What is preferrable is up to YOU. Your taste buds will steer you in the right direction.
Another thing to consider is room note. If you live alone or smoke outside, or what have you, room note might be unimportant; feel free to smoke a latakia bomb and stink up the place. If, on the other hand, you must accommodate others around you, that will also play a part in your final selections, and you'll be choosing tobaccos with room note rated from very pleasant to tolerable.