Okay, that was a fun thread to read. Ha! Her first pipe. Good for her -- glad you took pictures. It's one of those accomplishments you can't believe without seeing.
With there being not too many female pipe carvers, she has a future...If I were you, I'd buy a lot more of those pre drilled kits!!
Great looking pipe!
Thanks guys. I've let her read this thread and it made her smile. I already drilled her another block and she is working up a design using that kit. I'll post what she comes up with.
That is an incredible piece of work. I was going to guess Ben Wade, Preben Holm or even Randy Wiley. I cannot believe that was her first attempt. You should be locking her in your shop and telling her you want 3 pipes per week minimum. Tell her congrats, and she really has an eye for this.