Greetings all. It's been a while since I was here. Just wanted to mention that Cook County, (the Chicago area), just slammed us with a 30 cent an ounce loose tobacco tax as of March 1st. That also includes all cigars of any type. The B&Ms are not only frustrated but totally in the dark as how to tax the kazillion different types of cigars of all sizes and weights. There were IRS and Federal Agents planted at dozens of B&Ms all over the County to see how it was handled. Several long time standing stores just gave up and closed their doors. I was told this by the owner of one shop I get my smokes from. Also, he said it is all over Illinois, not just in Cook County. Does anyone know of any other info about this? Is this just Illinois or Nation wide? My Carter Hall went from $29.00 to $43.00 in one day, and that's BEFORE adding the new tax on the total because his wholesale rates was affected also.