It's all taped up and going out today to Baron. I will post the tracking info when I get home today.
I kept it longer than I intended to due to life's shitty plans getting in the way and for that I apologize; no excuse.
But I did add some tasty treats.
McClelland's MC5100 (about 1 year of age on it)
Hearth & Home Marquee Lakeland Brickle Fortissimo (I love this stuff as a treat every once in a while)
Hearth & Home Anniversary Kake
McClelland Club Blend Scottish Woods
McClelland Club Blend Caramel Rush
Everything I added was not previously in the box when it came to me.
I didn't add any Black House because I figured the Baron will add a healthy dose.

On a side note... Please don't add blends that you think are utter shit. This is a chance to share great tobaccos with great people. I personally would only add blends that I like to the Box Pass. Otherwise you've kind of missed the point of it all.
Thanks again for all who contributed to this. It's always great fun. :
