I think the fallacy is to say that we either consider our smoking a sacred or profane thing. That it means everything or nothing at all. That there are lots of middle grounds here. That smoking is either ritual or habit. I think to many here it is very much both and or somewhere in between. Like myself I dont have any truely expensive pipes the most I have paid is $75.00 for one. I clean them but not every smoke, but I take my smoke times and pipes as a time for deep thought and heavy reflection. Even though I often break out the pipe for a smoke while chit chatting with others. I take a pipe with me most everywhere at risk of it being damaged, and some of mine have scuffs but they are not knock around to be abused. I conside the incidental scuffs and damage as scars of life. But I dont place them in harms way I am careful as to where and how they are handled and stored for transport even on my bike. So sa red or profane dont really fit, because its both.