Nevermind Crazy Buyers on eBay, Some Sellers Need a Rocket ....

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
I am so damn sick to death of spending endless hours trawling eBay, finding the pipe of my dreams (every day a different one/s) only to find many European and USA sellers requiring me to take out a third mortgage to pay their stinking over-inflated postage costs. Just found one clown charging over $35 a pipe to ship, pfft, I won't bid on principle!!!
Experience shows the Brits tend to be very conservative and reasonable with their postage costs, probably because they recognise the pound is so high compared to other countries' currency which makes it just that little bit harder for o/seas buyers.
My attitude is, if they can't make a reasonable buck selling on eBay without capitalising and screwing people on their postage, they shouldn't darn well be there!!! It costs no more than $7 to ship a pipe from USA and about the same from Europe, where do these clowns get off, no wonder we nickname it "greedBay"!



May 8, 2011
I absolutely agree, i found the same pipe, for the same price (peterson 313 for 75 bucks) oone sold in NY, one sold in England, I live in pennsylvania, ill give you 3 guesses on which postage was cheaper and ill give you a hint, it wasnt the one in ny



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
I just found a pipe the guy wants over $40 to ship, with his av. shipping from USA being around $34ea and, no, there's no box or sock with that - I'd report him if I could be bothered (eBay has rules against unreasonable/inflated shipping costs, but it seems many show flagrant disregard for same). Our little group is far too busy reporting purveyors of fake high-end designer label products, they're equal to the thieving postage pirates imo.
Dons tin hat & flame-proof suit ... waiting ... waiting ... waiting, with baited anticipation for the howls of protest, mwahahahaha


Strike Anywhere

Can't Leave
Nov 9, 2011
Central United States
Maybe they require shipping via certified/signed mail or something? Not that it would be that expensive, but still. If it makes you feel any better, eBay now charges their fees based on the entire transaction (shipping included), so if sellers are jacking up shipping fees, they're paying more to eBay as well.
I don't think it makes sense to charge insanely high shipping prices because most bidders take the final price (shipping included) into consideration when bidding on a pipe. I've actually won pipes with really high shipping for low bids because nobody else wanted to bid. If I see a pipe that I think is worth $50, I'll bid $50 if there is free shipping or I'll bid $30 if the shipping is $20.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Cheers Cyndi, will check that out in a minute, lol, 3am & I'm still cruisin' the halls of fleaBay putting bids on.
TAB, with over 30,000 individual f/back comments on my different a/c's, you could say I'm a rather experienced buyer and seller - I spend every waking minute of every day on eBay and have done so for the last decade.
It doesn't matter what fees, impositions and rorts feeBay bring in to screw the sellers they should not, and in fact cannot (as per the rules) shaft buyers. Those greedBay B's have been bending sellers over & doing what comes naturally to them since they began, year after year it gets worse and worse, but for every jaded seller who flees, 10 wet behind the ears morons dive in thinking they can give up their day job and make a veritable fortune - good luck with that these days.
Since writing this thread earlier I've got the snots well & truly the more I looked so went through & removed over 100 bids set in my "system", have made a note to not shop with them, they're on my blocked list out of principle - I'm not the sort to adjust my bidding according to their postage rip-off, they can go to hell in a slow boat via China.
There are sellers who wanted to name & shame bad, finicky, fickle or just plain odd buyers .... I reckon we need a "name & shame the postage pirates & over-staters of condition" thread too. Whilst we're at it, a thread for absolutely fan-blimmen'-tastic ebay sellers would be a good thing too :)



Jun 16, 2011
Middle England
The first thing I do when I spot an item that I want on ebay is to check the postage, if it is to high then the item is of my list, I have noticed a few people putting pipes up with far to high a starting price lately and have seen that nobody has bid on them, so why would anybody bid with a high postage ? I know it's anoying but it's an auction and a auction is a buyers market, if a seller wants to sell he or she will have to start with a fair price



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 7, 2011
I have seen the same problem getting anything shipped from the States to Canada. A ten dollar item, weighing a couple of ozs, requiring twenty four dollars for postage??? Nuts to that. However, my sweetie, who is wise in the ways of Ebay, is giving me lessons. I refuse to pay more in shipping than an item is worth on its own. That is an absolute refusal, no matter what it is. In deed, the Brits are smarter about this.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Onya T & M, it's only when folks make a stand will the fools possily learn, but there's no guarantee with that kind of false economy mentality. One of them even has a speel, "DO NOT contact me about my shipping cost, DO NOT ask me for discounts, DO NOT argue or tell me my shipping is expensive, I DO NOT COMBINE ....., DO NOT ....DO NOT...." - he/she doesn't say "Please do not report me" which is what the clown deserves!!!
Gaaargh eBay, last night some fiend, and I'll lay London to a brick they're from here, whooped my smart girlie bidding ass royally by a mere $1 in buying a gorgeous Zombie Cavalier in immaculate condition for an absolute song ... keep your ID secret or I'll be after you like a herd of turtles, irate ones at that, lol :) It was MINE I tell you, MINE!!! How am I ever going to come to terms with this loss.

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