Need to lose weight

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Mar 30, 2012
Yes that is a good way to do it. I got lucky and used my dads. Now my apartment complex has it's own workout room.



May 4, 2011
Don't read the Cookie thread!
+1 :rofl:
I agree with everyone who says to start fitness training now. If you were healthy enough to get in, the Marines will take care of the rest during boot. I don't know what your current abilities are, but start getting in the habit of waking up before dawn, running and doing push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups. You can look up the USMC fitness test HERE. Try to get as close as you can before boot camp.
For diet, count calories. Learn what you're burning and what you're taking in. Go for high-protein and low fat/sugar. You have to feed the machine, so you must take in enough calories to get you through your workout, but no extra. Don't eat after 7pm, because during basic training, you woun't be allowed to eat after last chow anyway, but for the rest of the day eat several small, protein filled meals and eliminate soda and anything fast food related.



Apr 5, 2012
United States
Iv passed the fitness stuff to get into bootcamp it's 40 crunches 3 pull ups and running a mile and a half under 13min. Iv passed that but it was a bit tough. Iv printed off the fitness chart it's on my bulletin board now. Iv been working out a bit and mostly at night. I'm dreading the early mornings I usually wake up at 9am but I should probably get into the habit of getting up before dawn and doing the work outs in the mening. So question before

I go for a run in the morning should I eat food? Or just drink water?



May 4, 2011
I would do your am run and then eat. I eat a banana before I go run for some quick sugars but most of your energy will come from carbs you ate the evening before, so no need to eat beforehand. Especially if you are getting up at 4am like in the military. In the military you run. A lot, but it's usually not a sprint. 4-6 miles at a 10 or 12 minute mile will do for you. In basic you will spend a lot of time in the "front leaning rest" position, doing push-ups and then rolling over for situps. Get used to hiking, too. Get a rucksack and load it up with about 50 lbs of shit then put on your boots and do some long walks. You start out with 10 or 12 mile hikes If I remember correctly, with breaks for changing your socks and doing push-ups with your ruck on your back. Woo. Fun. Keep the pace at about 4 or 5 miles per hour.



May 4, 2011
Like I said before, your DIs will get you where you need to be, mentally and physically. It's better to go in as a lump of clay that can me molded than as a brick that they'll have to break into little pieces and start over. You'll see guys like that and you'll get to see them break. It isn't pretty, but ultimately, it will make them what they need to be.



Apr 5, 2012
United States
Thanks baron!!! I'm goin to do my best to be a lump of clay. So my mos is either 3500 or 1300. I'm going for combat engineer or Automotive Organizational Mechanic. It depends on what school I get sent to. I was surprised that advanced combat training is only a month long.



Jul 22, 2012
Mount Sterling, Ohio
I'm 41 and managed to keep pretty fit for an old fart. I ride a bike a lot. When I want to lose weight I do thid exact diet. breakfast: 2 soft boiled eggs on dry wheat toast and a potato cake. Or any cereal with with skim milk. Lunch I have a sandwich with Bell peppers, tomato, cucumber, a slab of onion. 2 sliced of Munster cheese and light amount of miracle whip on rye. Its a fabulous sandwich. I snack on carrots and celery dipped in light ranch. for dinner I have all the spaghetti and just sauce with a little parm cheese. I dip Italian bred in the sauce with no butter. low sugar cereal is a great snack as long as you can deal with skim milk. and ride a bike 5-10 miles a day.

I carry a roll of sweet tarts in my pocket too because it keep your metabolism up. Just eat a couple here and there throughout the day. Lots of water. It will fill you up and help break down fat. Lots of B vitamins and pantothenic acid. The 2 together help break down fat. I drop 20-30 pounds in a month using this diet and am never hungry. One more thing. Every 10-12 days have a fat day where you pig out on pizza and burgers and fries. Keeps your metabolism up.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
When I first went into basic training I weighed about 175 pounds. After graduation from basic, I found I had lost 25 pounds due to the intense exercise-running with a back pack, steel pot and M14. Quickest weight loss program I ever had.
Several years back I was diagnosed with border line diabetes and not wanting to go on yet more pills or worse yet, shots, I decided to make a big change in diet. I got off regular Coke altogether in favor of Diet Coke. No more TV dinners, honey buns, pecan twirls or all the bread I so loved. I started sprinkling Lecithin in nearly every meal(helps with cholesterol), taking 1200mg of fish oil twice a day, COQ10 pills, etc and lost from 195 to 155 though not overnight. Diet makes a big difference.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I've turned some fat into muscle lately. Typically Monday-Friday and usually Saturday all I have before 4PM is two apples, two yogurts, two 32oz powerades, and a full Dole salad kit. All I drink other than those powerades is water. When I get home I don't mind splurging a bit on the calories because I take in just under 2,000 calories and I'm sure I walk around seven or eight miles a day on top of the pipe fitting work. Also, I do about two hundred crunches a night to tighten up the core a little.



May 4, 2011
When I joined the Army I was 19 and looked like I'd been eating fence posts. I was almost too skinny to get in. For my entire time in Basic, my Drill Sergeants would put me in between the two fat guys in the chow line and take half their food away and pile it on my tray, making theirs half and mine double! Then they would say, "Start eating, private! You got 3 minutes and 2 of them are already gone!" I gained 25 lbs in Basic. Luckily, because of the intense workout, it was all muscle!



Sep 13, 2012
I've lost 90+ pounds in the last 6 months on slimgenics. (its great but dont cheer yet, I have another 90 to go... lol)
basically dont eat anything that comes in a box, bag, or can. (except for prunes and frozen produce) The meat department and produce department are your friends. drink at least 80oz of water a day. No (or VERY little) alcohol, even if it is low calorie it slows you way down for losing weight. Make sure you get enough salt, 'cause eating healthy will drastically diminish what a person typically gets, and you will have NO energy. I use roughly 1/2 teaspoon of mortons lite salt per day. Keep red meat low, I only get 3 servings a week, it makes you hold water. Caffeine is ok but keep it low, herbal tea is great, unlimited. Diet sodas are ok up to 24oz per day, but none with carmel coloring or fruit juice. Diet 7up or Sierra Mist are what I get when I do.
I mostly eat tillapia, shrimp, chicken breast, eggs, very moderate cheese (2oz 3 times a week) 8oz of skim/fat free milk a day, mixed salad greens, cucumbers, tomatos, broccoli, oranges, grapefruit, prunes. protien servings are basically 5oz three times a day, three fruits servings, four veggie servings. For starches I eat the little 50 calorie "sandwich rounds" whole wheat only, and three a day. (adding up to roughly 150 calories)
Just some thoughts thrown out from what I've learned, good luck with the Marines, sounds like a great adventure, one of my biggest regrets is having never joining a service. I was going to join the Navy at one point but my dad talked me out of it. Wish he hadn't.



Mar 30, 2012
+1 mikros. I didn't worry too much about alcohol but everything else is pretty close to what I did.



Sep 13, 2012
Yeah, actually photoman, with him only having to lose 15 pounds over some months I doubt it would hinder him very much for his case.



Mar 30, 2012
If he combined it with a good workout it would. I bet if you tried riding a bike every day it might help you out as well. I started out just dieting and then slowly working out more and more. Eventually it becomes easier and funner. That is when you can really start to push yourself.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
What a contrast. Baron gained as much as I lost in basic. That seemed the norm when I was in there. Unlike Private Pyle, I saw most fat guys loose. That low crawl was murder. Every time I think of basic training I can't help but think of R. Lee Ermey. I had a DI just like him.
And that goes for you too, maggot!!




May 4, 2011
One of the fat guys who "gave" me his food was a guy who had to lose 85 lb just to get in. He lost an additional 60 lb while in basic. The guy looked like a brick wall when we graduated.



Mar 30, 2012
I am one of those guys that get fat really quick really easily. It does have its benefits though. I build muscle really really quick.



May 4, 2011
I lose weight when I get out of shape. I will get a spare tire, now that I'm old, though. Healthy for me is between 185 and 195 lb Going past that in either direction is usually a sign I'm slacking somewhere. I do a balance of weights and cardio.

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