Need Information on the Pipe Used by Kurt Russell in the Hateful 8

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Feb 24, 2016
I've searched all over the web and read through all the forums and gained some clues as to what the pipe used by Kurt Russell in the movie the Hateful 8 was, but to no avail, no one has yet put a distinct brand name to it. So, I'd like to have a discussion on what the actual pipe used was or a similar type pipe to add to my collection, because I like the color and stem, (which yes, I know, doesn't fit the time period by most who compare it to the time period in which the movie was set in and there has been much discussion as to the type being a Wellington or a Loewe, of French or London made pipes, but I'm interested in nailing down a replica or even finding out the actual manufacturer or even the store they bought it in, would be nice so others who have asked the same question I have can have some definite information to buy one themselves or feel like a bad ass, as I plan to, when I take a puff in a stagecoach (which likely will never happen), so any info on the actual pipe used in the film would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I've just started smoking pipes (and before you roll your eyes and just here for the pipe info). My Grandfather used to smoke them, when I was a little guy and I always enjoyed the smell of his Captain Black tobacco and how excited he and my Grandmother were, when he got his first Meerschaum Pipe and the excitement they had to watch it turn color. He never did get to finish coloring that pipe before he passed and I'm hoping with my own experience and yes, I bought a small Meerschaum first to get a feel for one, before I buy that expensive chiseled pipe to turn for many years to come. But I just wanted to share with people who understand that pipe smoking isn't just for smoking, but a part of you and I can remember him teaching me, "one pinch, is like shaking a baby's hand, second pinch, shaking a lady's hand and the third pinch, shaking a man's hand. It was one thing that seemed just a fun thing to say at the time, but has such more meaning for me today, since his passing and he was an avid pipe smoker, cleaned them thoroughly and it was something that meant something to him, that he shared with his Grandson.
So to all of you out there, this is more than just an experience, for me, it has deeper meaning and I wanted to share that with people like him, who saw his pipe, not just as a tool for smoking tobacco, but almost like a friend you spend some time with, take care of and place back in your pipe rack, until you meet again.
God bless and thanks for the memories Gene. It's because of you I started my love for pipes.
Thank you.
Welcome to the Forum! Fixed thread title, please see rule number 9. Pertinent portion: Please capitalize words in the thread titles. Thank you, Robert.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 29, 2014
Suffolk, VA
Welcome to the forums! I picked up the pipe in part as a remembrance of my late grandfather, so I know where you're coming from.
My limited google search shows that Kurt Russell smoked a "Mastro de Paja" pipe. Various on-line retailers have them in stock, but I have not seen one that is an exact replica of the one in the movie.



Feb 24, 2016
Thank you very much ericthered. I was had searched Mastor de Paja pipes as well and only found a similar stem. Unfortunately, it wasn't that good of a movie to warrant a ton of people begging for it. Thanks for your help.



Feb 24, 2016
Ok Gents, I think I figured this out. It's a Vintage MASTRO DE PAJA SMOKING PIPE Pesaro 3A L or within the same family, for starters. Like many movies, that try to stay true to the time period or story they are telling, MODIFY props, in this case a $150.00 Mastro, I found on E-bay.
Correct me if you think I am wrong, but it has the same contours on the lid (curve), as in the Kurt Russell pipe shown in the film and I surmise, they sandpapered off the finish to get to the natural wood and "aged" it to give it the dulled color in the film. Had a very good craftsman cut into the wood, that would weaken the integrity of the pipe, but since it was only going to be used in a couple scenes and needed to be lit a few times, then tossed, not a big deal to a million dollar production, but more of a collection piece to a user. Also, I believe they "flattened" the rounded edge of the saddle (lower part of the stem) to not look like the stems you see online that are fully rounded.
So, for anyone else out there who may be looking for the answer to the same question I had. Here is the best answer I could come up with, for the moment. I did send an e-mail to the production company in L.A., that handled costumes for the Hateful 8 and I'll wait and see if they reply back.
If anyone else has some input on this or knows of a replica that is being produced or recommend a good craftsman that may be able to reproduce it, without breaking any copyright laws. I'd be glad to know.
For what it's worth. Have a good one.



Oct 6, 2009
Welcome to the forum ! Can't help you with the pipe. Any shots of Kurt Russel with the pipe?



Oct 15, 2013
This picture shows a little more of the pipe

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