"If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
Obviously, the person who offered this question up for debate didn't foresee the advent of audio recording devices.
Seriously, though, good luck on your paper. I was a bit late in finding the topic; I might have suggested the evolution of phenomenology. I'm not sure if your professor would have covered that, though. Phenomenology is a very interesting sub-discipline of philosophy, and about the only philosophical paradigm to which I subscribe.
If interested, here's an article: Phenomenology . It's Wikipedia, so it's not the same as reading the philosophers themselves, but it gives a decent overview.
And I'm with Team Chicken.
Obviously, the person who offered this question up for debate didn't foresee the advent of audio recording devices.
Seriously, though, good luck on your paper. I was a bit late in finding the topic; I might have suggested the evolution of phenomenology. I'm not sure if your professor would have covered that, though. Phenomenology is a very interesting sub-discipline of philosophy, and about the only philosophical paradigm to which I subscribe.
If interested, here's an article: Phenomenology . It's Wikipedia, so it's not the same as reading the philosophers themselves, but it gives a decent overview.
And I'm with Team Chicken.