"Natural" is always an argument. Certainly, tobacco is tobacco. However, according to the late Craig Tarler, 70% of the tobacco sold contains an aromatic topping. Some are heavy and true aromatic. Others, are lightly topped and called Non-Aromatic. All of that is ok with me because I have smoked raw tobacco and it is not palatable. Even a slight amount of topping will smooth and enhance the tobacco, especially Virginia Leaf. Craig Tarler and I discussed this many times. His favorite tobacco (a predominantly Virginia Blend), contained a miniscule amount of topping to bring out the sweetness of the Virginia Leaf. I would hardly call it an aromatic. With all of that being said "Casing" is different from "Topping".
Casing is a treatment prior to blending and Topping is applied as a last step. Even those non-aromatic blends that are not topped are generally cased early in the process. Are there uncased and un-topped tobacco blends? Yes, there are. But, according to the late Craig Tarler, they are in a minority. I owe much of what I learned about blending pipe tobacco to my friend Craig Tarler. I miss him and shall always be grateful for the amount of time he gave me to develop my Blend. I learned a great deal from him and he was extremely generous with his time. I have been blending tobacco and studying the Art for many years. However, Craig took me to the "top of the mountain" with his interest in feeding my thirst for more knowledge.